Garux / netradiant-custom

The open-source, cross-platform level editor for id Tech based games.
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Adjustment of qualified target destination strings #201

Open sinewavey opened 1 week ago

sinewavey commented 1 week ago

So it seems that entities drawing target lines as per your changelog + what I could dig up seems to accept "target", "targetN" (where N is an int), and "killtarget" (ound that out by reading HL FGD)

Is it possible to adjust this at all or expose a blank "force acceptable" check here for custom games? Or perhaps another prefix?

Use case: in Godot one thing someone may need to do is reparent an entity to another entity. It's a bit awkward to hook into the same strict target name system.

Again - minor details. Not really impacting usage too much. I've just been setting up my game's entities a bit more formally. Thanks, and as always, really appreciate the work ya do.


Garux commented 1 week ago


requires performance evaluation and cfg idea is to use existing xml ent def type system

sinewavey commented 1 week ago

Cool. This should be okay to close as it's a duplicate then.