GarwelGarwel / Rimocracy

RimWorld mod to add politics to the game
MIT License
1 stars 3 forks source link

Situations feature #71

Open GarwelGarwel opened 2 years ago

GarwelGarwel commented 2 years ago

A system of passively activated "achievements", "situations", "national perks" or something like that. When necessary conditions apply, a ticker counts towards (or against) activating respective situations. They may deactivate on certain other conditions.

Example: Mass protests (negative situation) Tick condition: More than a certain % of citizens protest => 1% per hour On activation: Leader is impeached, protesters' loyalty increases by 20% Deactivation condition: No protesters

Example: Well-governed democracy (positive situation) Tick condition: Governance at least 90%, Election succession, not indefinite term On activation: Every citizen gets +8 mood buff, some authoritarian reforms become invalid