GediminasMasaitis / PokeEase

The Perfect GUI for Pokemon GO botting -- Work In Progress
GNU General Public License v3.0
89 stars 51 forks source link

ID's mixed up? #38

Closed RuneMykle closed 8 years ago

RuneMykle commented 8 years ago

Clefairy and Eevee gets mixed up when clicking them in "Pokemons"

Same with:

Sandshrew & Magikarp Caterpie & Psyduck Venonat & Bellsprout

Theres quite possibly more, but it's a fresh account so got no more pokes to check.

GediminasMasaitis commented 8 years ago

I'm not entirely sure because of lack of details, but this probably got fixed by a while ago.

If your problem still persists, reopen this issue with more details.