GemTalk / JadeiteForPharo

IDE for GemStone Smalltalk application development in Pharo using Rowan code management
MIT License
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IDE for GemStone Smalltalk application development in Pharo using Rowan code management. Note that Jadeite for Pharo requires Rowan 3.

To load JadeiteForPharo into a Pharo image:

(Currently, only Pharo 12 is supported) After a Rowan server is created, clone git projects 'PharoGemStoneFFI' 'RemoteServiceReplication' 'JadeiteForPharo' to your local disk with a common parent directory. Then, run the following script in a Pharo image playground

| directory jfpRepo icePackage sourceDirectory packageDir |
directory := UIManager default
                 chooseDirectory: 'Choose Jadeite Repositories directory'
                 from: nil.
directory ifNil: [ ^ self ].
{  'PharoGemStoneFFI'. 'RemoteServiceReplication' . 'JadeiteForPharo'}
    do: [ :projectName |
        | projectDir iceRepository |
        projectDir := (directory childrenMatching: projectName) first.
        projectDir isDirectory ifFalse: [
            ^ self notify: projectName , ' git checkout not found' ].
        (iceRepository := IceRepositoryCreator new
             location: projectDir;
             subdirectory: String new;
             createRepository) register ]
            on: IceDuplicatedRepository
            do: [ "nothing" ].
jfpRepo := IceRepository repositoryNamed:  'JadeiteForPharo'.
icePackage := jfpRepo packageNamed: 'BaselineOfJadeiteForPharo'.
    sourceDirectory := icePackage repository project sourceDirectory.
    sourceDirectory ifEmpty: [ sourceDirectory := '.' ].

    packageDir := (icePackage repository location / sourceDirectory)

    Metacello new
        repository: 'gitlocal://' , packageDir;
        baseline: icePackage metacelloBaselineName;
        onUpgrade: [ :e |
            | policy |
            policy := self chooseUpgradePolicyFor: e.
            policy ifNotNil: [ e perform: policy ] ];
        onConflict: [ :e |
            | policy |
            policy := self chooseConflictPolicyFor: e.
            policy ifNotNil: [ e perform: policy ] ];
        load: #().

"Go to Library>Jadeite Launcher to open a connection browser"