GenericMappingTools / 2020-unavco-course

Planning and material for the 2020 UNAVCO GMT for Geodesy course
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Create 7 groups of 12 students each #3

Closed PaulWessel closed 4 years ago

PaulWessel commented 4 years ago

Group 1 (which will have access to breakout-rooms) tally 84, meaning we will split into 7 sub-groups of 12 plus an instructor. The 84 have various levels of background: 29 said they are not at all familiar with GMT, 48 said they are somewhat familiar, while 8 said they are very familiar. My initial thought was to let our least experienced instructors (the two UH students) just get 12 newbie's each, but I wonder if there is wisdom in making all groups similar in terms of its make-up? Should we seed the ~8 very familiar people in separate groups so they can help those less familiar? Maybe better not to have 12 completely lost students in one group and instead spread them across the 7 groups. As I write this I think that might be better. We would then have, approximately

1 very familiar, ~7 somewhat familiar, and ~4 not at all familiar

in each group. With everything happen synchronously, is there value in trying to further sort this on time-zone? E.g., a group of 12 Europeans could decide to meet again as a group to help each other, and that is simpler if similar time zone.

I think having the groups set up beforehand is the only way to go, since we can have zoom ingest cvs lists of emails.

Let me know if you have thoughts on the groupings, @leouieda, @joa-quim, @seisman, @Xiaohua-Eric-Xu.

PaulWessel commented 4 years ago

Closing this since we will do a live splitting into breakout rooms, not preassigned.