GenericMappingTools / gmtserver-admin

Cache data and script for managing the GMT data server
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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WIP Fixing missing nodes in mss #239

Closed PaulWessel closed 9 months ago

PaulWessel commented 9 months ago

Here is a first cut. Suggest you use this recipe, add a temporary exit in srv_downsamples_grid.c around line 142 and run it as

bash -xv scripts/srv_downsamples_grid.c earth_mss

amd examine output. The idea here is that (unfortunately) they called it *.nc so we are stuck with what SRC_CUSTOM and SRC_PROCESS allow. We want

make an orig copy if none exists in staging (this will happen once) RUn the custom command that reads the orig file and expands to -Rd with NaNs

The rest of the scripts should then handle things. WIP since I have not tested it yet and likely needs some changes.

Esteban82 commented 9 months ago

I think that one issue with this recipe of mss doesn't check is the original grid is already in the staging directory. So it is download every time that I run make earth-mss.

joa-quim commented 9 months ago

Wait, is it going to be called earth-mss? If yes, that will break the logic of using underscores.

Esteban82 commented 9 months ago

mss: Mean Sea Surface

joa-quim commented 9 months ago

Yes, I know. But I meant us that the grids should ba named earth_mss, not earth-mss

Esteban82 commented 9 months ago

Sorry. earth-mss is just form makefile. The recipe is earth_mss

PaulWessel commented 9 months ago

No hyphens used in filenames, just the makefile.

joa-quim commented 9 months ago

Thanks, I was just playing safe.