Genii-Locorum / brp

Foundry VTT implementation for Basic Role Playing
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BRP: Universal Game Engine Notice This product is licensed under the ORC License held in the License of Congress at TX000 [number tbd] and available online at various locations including,, and others. All warranties are disclaimed as set forth therein. This product is the original work of Chaosium.

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Basic Role Playing for Foundry VTT

This is a very early beta test version of BRP for Foundry It is just a character sheet at this stage, but it does come with skills, weapons etc There are no dice rolls at this stage, very limited automatic calculations and limited automation. This will all come in future release as I develop the system

Use this at your own peril. I cant guarantee that the underlying data model will not change and depending on what changes are made this may or may not break your game (so if you do decide to proceed then please take backups of your world before implementing any upgrades).

So having said that this is a beta and your feedback and input will help drive the direction and prioritisation of future functionality

My immediate plans for development are (in no particular order):

IMPORTANT: When importing data from the Compendia - you need to tick "Keep Document IDs" as this is currently used to link weapons, professions, skills etc. This may change in the future if/when I implement an internal ID (like the CoCID or RQGID for Call of Cthulhu or Runequest)