Gentleman-Programming / Gentleman.Dots

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Oil doesn't work in Alacritty #26

Open tintinando opened 4 days ago

tintinando commented 4 days ago

Oil doesn't work in Alacritty (regardless of whether the shell is bash or fish)

Steps to reproduce the error: open nvim press "-"

:Oil command works, this is a keybind issue

I tried overriding the keymap in alacritty.toml

bindings = [
{key = "-", action = "None"}

but it doesn't works

OS: Linux Mint Alacritty v 0.14.0

Alan-TheGentleman commented 4 days ago

Hi ! That's so strange ! I've used oil with the keymap over MacOs and Windows with WSL using Alacritty and didn't have an issue ! Did you try with another terminal ?

tintinando commented 3 days ago

Only with Alacritty. Tests I did:

In all cases the keymap fails from Alacritty but works from Wezterm or GNOME Term