German-Cobian / Books-List

This Javascript single-page app is an exercise in Javascript DOM manipulation, objects and classes. It allows the user to input the titles of books in his/her library along with the name of the author.
MIT License
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Peer to peer code review morning session. #2

Open leolpaz opened 3 years ago

leolpaz commented 3 years ago

The project is going great, although there are a few problems:

lfmnovaes commented 3 years ago

Great job with your project Rocio 😄

I have a small suggestion for your project that can make it a bit "cleaner":

Would be better to place it inside a window.onload call. Like this: window.onload = () => { getBooksLs(); }; In the same way, if this function will get triggered by a button place it inside the respective listener.

dicodiaz commented 3 years ago

Hello @Rocio01, you're doing a great job!

I would also recommend making the author field required, and that's about it!

Keep up the good work! 😄