Gerrnperl / outline-map

A visual, interactive outline map that combines the clarity of the outline with the intuitive overview of the minimap. Alternative Minimap.
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Outline persists after switch to a file without symbol #17

Closed 0w0miki closed 2 years ago

0w0miki commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

Reproduce Step

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open a file with symbol e.g. javascript file. The outline map correctly shows. 打开一个带有符号的文件,例如javascript。能正确显示outline Map。 图片

  2. Then switch to a file without symbol e.g. a plaintext file. The old outline still peresists. The highlight also follows when scroll. 切换到一个没有符号的文件,例如文本文件。之前的Outline Map依旧显示在边上。在文件中滚动,高亮也会随之移动。 图片

Expected behavior

Expected the outline to be cleared as vscode build-in outline. Just show a notice that no symbol found. 期望和原生的大纲一样。可以提示找不到符号。



Gerrnperl commented 2 years ago

