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Bedrock crawling behavior inconsistent with java, allows sprint-crawling #2740

Open ChiboYen opened 2 years ago

ChiboYen commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

Bedrock crawling behavior is inconsistent with Java Editon, because a Bedrock player can in certain cases, sprint-crawl. This is an issue because it can trigger anticheats falsely or give the Bedrock player an advantage.

To Reproduce

Expected behaviour

Java players can only crawl at the normal slow speed, there is no other speed. Bedrock should have this behavior.

Screenshots / Videos

No response

Server Version and Plugins

1.18.1, paper 129

Geyser Dump

Geyser Version

Geyser version 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT (git-master-3251d90)

Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Version

Bedrock: 1.17.30 - 1.18.0

Additional Context

No response

Olexorus commented 2 years ago

The main problem from an anti cheat point of view isn't that this is possible, but that the player is incorrectly reported as not sprinting. Preventing this behavior from the Bedrock client would probably be ideal for consistency with Java, but alternatively just reporting the flag correctly should fix any issues with anti cheats.

TerdyTheTerd commented 2 years ago

Given that cheating on Bedrock edition is far less likely than on Java, giving Bedrock players bypass perms for the anticheat is usually the recommended action. I personally love the idea of seeing a player spring crawling towards me :)

Camotoy commented 2 years ago

This will be fixed if possible. I did encounter it a bit before break - I believe it's some sort of regression since I don't remember this happening before; otherwise, it's a Bedrock client issue.

ChiboYen commented 2 years ago

Given that cheating on Bedrock edition is far less likely than on Java, giving Bedrock players bypass perms for the anticheat is usually the recommended action. I personally love the idea of seeing a player spring crawling towards me :)

Bedrock hacked clients and cheats do exist, I don't believe you were aware of this. Themis is an anticheat specifically with Bedrock in mind. I thank Camotoy for prioritizing the consistency between java and bedrock.

onebeastchris commented 1 month ago

Is this still an issue?