GfSE / SpecIF

Specification Integration Facility - schema, constraint checker and examples
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Make example model available again #44

Closed koppor closed 3 years ago

koppor commented 3 years ago

The Tutorial 6: 'Very Simple Model (FMC)' shows following diagram:

Very Simple Model (FMC)

When I open the SpecIF viewer at;project=ACP-Very-Simple-Model-FMC;node=N-MEl-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a, I get following output:


That means, no diagram is shown at all.

The root resource (;project=ACP-Very-Simple-Model-FMC;node=N-Diagram-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876) shows a diagram:


I really like that diagram as the syntax is 100% FMC Block Diagram (and not something custom as in tutorial 6)

odungern commented 3 years ago

Hi Oliver, .. do you see the tabs directly under the project title?

However, I do not understand your last comment: What is "something custom in tutorial 6"?

koppor commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the quick response.

Minor comment: The link;project=ACP-Very-Simple-Model-FMC;node=N-MEl-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a doesn't work any more. It should have been Should I open a new issue that links should be copyable (stable)?

Thank you for the clarification. I mis-interpreted the heading "FMC". I interpreted it as "FMC syntax and semantics is used in all diagrams belonging to this heading". I have to read it "The FMC diagram notation is shown at the top level, all other diagrams use another syntax and semantics".

I am new to this field; maybe the terms of the C4 model could be used as heading? -- My issue is similar than "Business Process Model" versus "BPMN" or "System Structure and Behavior" versus "UML" in headings. With "BPMN" and "UML" expectations concerning the diagram syntax are triggered at my side.

Side note: Fun tweet on grapical representations:

My comment regarding "something custom" is similar to my "System Structure and Behavior" vs. "UML". Very trivial. The heading "FMC" suggest that the diagrams on the page follow the FMC syntax. At least the first one. This is true.

The large one on the page is not FMC (and not UML). - It is my fault to look at the large things first on the page (heading and largest diagram).

Markings in yellow by me.


odungern commented 3 years ago

Hi, Oliver, .. thanks a lot ... it is important (however quite seldom) that readers feed back how they understand and what associations they have. I also like scrutinizing methods, concepts and models; some abstractions are useful and others are not ... and therefore I am trying to listen very closely to what you are saying ... I do not want to end up in the corner of academic bullshitting. To most of what you are saying I do not have an opinion or answer, yet ... but you have challenged my brain ;-).

But let me note the following and explain my thinking ... and you may decide whether it is a useful approach for you or not:

Do you agree with the line of thought? Is it useful for your application?

odungern commented 3 years ago

Wrt to the your hint on the link: .. I have looked in the tutorial and did not find it. But now I think I know what you mean: A copied browser address line of the Viewer/Editor it is not useful as a link somewhere else. So far, it is maintained to allow using the browser back and forward buttons.

  1. We could add the import information to the browser address line all the time, but then we must take care that this portion is ignored when the browser backward/forward is used. Perhaps this behavior is not easy to explain.
  2. Perhaps it is better to offer a button that generates a link including the import information to copy it into the clipboard.

Good point ... thanks a lot for your proposal. We'll think about it. Which solution do you prefer? I will open an issue in the Viewer/Editor repo.

koppor commented 3 years ago

Wrt to the your hint on the link: .. I have looked in the tutorial and did not find it.


This is

Redirects to;project=ACP-Very-Simple-Model-FMC;node=N-Diagram-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876

This link cannot be opened at another browser window.

But now I think I know what you mean: A copied browser address line of the Viewer/Editor it is not useful as a link somewhere else.


1. We could add the import information to the browser address line all the time, but then we must take care that this portion is ignored when the browser backward/forward is used. Perhaps this behavior is not easy to explain.

I made the experience, that "good looking URLs" is not a properity for many persons.

2. Perhaps it is better to offer a button that generates a link including the import information to copy it into the clipboard.

Please don't. 😇 This would be inconsistent to expectations. OK, also did that, but they crashed the system:

Good point ... thanks a lot for your proposal. We'll think about it. Which solution do you prefer? I will open an issue in the Viewer/Editor repo.

Thank you. Just a convenience feature.

odungern commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your opinion. In this case we cannot offer a satisfactory solution until there is a backend.

If you think that the basic approach is valid and you find it interesting, we would appreciate your contribution. Fork it and submit a pull request with a solution which is good in your eyes.

koppor commented 3 years ago

.. thanks a lot ...

The pleausre is on my side.

* The C4 method is new to me. I will certainly have a closer look at it. As far as I can see from a first glance it is one approach among many others like SysML, Arcadia, Arc42, TOGAF/Archimate.

C4 is both a method and a notation. When someone reaches out to me, I just say that it helps to structure the modeling of FMC block diagrams.

Do you agree with the line of thought?

Yes, I do.

Is it useful for your application?

TBH, I just search for a good way to model a FMC diagram. I tried ARCWAY Cockpit (of which I liked the connection to project management), the Enterprise Architect plugin ( and Visio ( Still not satisfied.

May I ask whether there is a list of the "Vielzahl von Werkzeugen, die ReqIF unterstützen" (gefunden unter so that I can evaluate more tools?

I came to SpecIF since I possibly just write the JSON manually by hand.

odungern commented 3 years ago

Then, you are one of the very few who know and apply the FMC. Welcome!

I have also used ARCWAY Cockpit for many years and sometime I still do. I have a server with 2 concurrent licenses ... and then I use the [ARCWAY-->SpecIF Exporter}( to combine the result with others from other tools, e.g. BPMN from Camunda-Modeller and User-Stories from Excel. Works nicely.

odungern commented 3 years ago

May I ask whether there is a list of the "Vielzahl von Werkzeugen, die ReqIF unterstützen" (gefunden unter so that I can evaluate more tools?

ReqIF has been made to exchange requirements in a neutral format. It is being used by quite many tools (IBM DOORS, PTC Integrity, :em ReqMan, just to mention a few), but as such they are just sending hierarchical lists of requirements ... with some relations between requirements. ReqIF can do more, it can also be used to transport semantic nets including SpecIF.

As already mentioned, ReqIF is just used for requirements exchange and so you should not expect to find a FMC modeller among ReqIF tools.

odungern commented 3 years ago

I came to SpecIF since I possibly just write the JSON manually by hand.

So far, the SpecIF Editor does not have a GUI to create and modify the types. So it is indeed needed to write (or copy from a template) a base specif-file with the types needed for the particular application. The content can be edited with a GUI ... except for graphical diagrams which need to be imported from modelling tools. By now, there are already some: ARCWAY Cockpit, Archi (with some manual work to include the diagram images), and BPMN-XML. Some work has been done to transform SysML to SpecIF, very encouraging ... but it is a whole lot of work.

ARCWAY Cockpit, Archi and BPMN-XML transformations have less than 2000 LoC ... so writing new ones is in reach.