Test Initial Rendering: Verify that the component initially renders correctly without errors, including all necessary sub-components (Inputs, Select, Button, Checkbox).
Test Error Messages Display: Enter invalid data (e.g., empty fields) and check if the corresponding error messages are displayed.
State Logic Tests:
Test Initial State of the Component: Verify that the state hooks are initialized correctly.
Test State Changes: Simulate changes in inputs and verify that the component's state updates correctly.
Event Handlers Tests:
Test Interactions with Inputs: Simulate change events on inputs and selects to ensure they are handled correctly.
Test Button Clicks: Simulate clicks on buttons and verify if the corresponding functions are called (e.g., handleSubmit for creating or updating a supervisor).
API Calls Tests:
Test Initial Data Fetch: Verify that the component makes a correct GET request upon initial load and processes the received data correctly.
Mock API Responses: Use libraries like msw (Mock Service Worker) to emulate API responses during tests to verify response and error handling.
Create and Update Functionality Tests:
Simulate Creating a New Supervisor: Ensure that after submitting the form, the data is sent correctly to the server, and the component processes the expected response.
Simulate Updating an Existing Supervisor: Check that the component correctly handles updates and reflects changes in the UI.
Integration Tests:
Complete User Flow: Simulate an end-to-end user scenario, from entering data in inputs to submitting the form and displaying the operation confirmation.
I must implement a test module for Supervisor.jsx
User Interface Tests:
Test Initial Rendering: Verify that the component initially renders correctly without errors, including all necessary sub-components (Inputs, Select, Button, Checkbox). Test Error Messages Display: Enter invalid data (e.g., empty fields) and check if the corresponding error messages are displayed. State Logic Tests:
Test Initial State of the Component: Verify that the state hooks are initialized correctly. Test State Changes: Simulate changes in inputs and verify that the component's state updates correctly. Event Handlers Tests:
Test Interactions with Inputs: Simulate change events on inputs and selects to ensure they are handled correctly. Test Button Clicks: Simulate clicks on buttons and verify if the corresponding functions are called (e.g., handleSubmit for creating or updating a supervisor). API Calls Tests:
Test Initial Data Fetch: Verify that the component makes a correct GET request upon initial load and processes the received data correctly. Mock API Responses: Use libraries like msw (Mock Service Worker) to emulate API responses during tests to verify response and error handling. Create and Update Functionality Tests:
Simulate Creating a New Supervisor: Ensure that after submitting the form, the data is sent correctly to the server, and the component processes the expected response. Simulate Updating an Existing Supervisor: Check that the component correctly handles updates and reflects changes in the UI. Integration Tests:
Complete User Flow: Simulate an end-to-end user scenario, from entering data in inputs to submitting the form and displaying the operation confirmation.