GiggleLiu / ProblemReductions.jl

Reductions between hard problems.
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References #5

Open GiggleLiu opened 1 month ago

GiggleLiu commented 1 month ago

[^Glover2019]: Glover, F., Kochenberger, G., Du, Y., 2019. A Tutorial on Formulating and Using QUBO Models. [^Nguyen2023]: Nguyen, M.-T., Liu, J.-G., Wurtz, J., Lukin, M.D., Wang, S.-T., Pichler, H., 2023. Quantum Optimization with Arbitrary Connectivity Using Rydberg Atom Arrays. PRX Quantum 4, 010316.

SciCodePhy commented 1 month ago

C. Moore, S. Mertens, "The Nature of Computation", Oxford University Press, 2011.

Reduction (Related to Our Problems of Interests)

  1. Witness Existence <= Circuit SAT <= 3-SAT <= NAE-4-SAT <= NAE-3-SAT <= Graph-3-Coloring <= Graph k-Coloring (k>=3) <= Planar Graph 3-Coloring <= Independent Set;
  2. 3-SAT <= NAE-4-SAT <= NAE-3-SAT <= Max Cut

Problems of Interests Involved:

  1. (Maximal) Independent Set;
  2. Max-Cut;
  3. Graph Coloring;
  4. Satifiability problem