GilbertLabUCSF / ScreenPro2

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add multiple methods for `getDelta` function – e.g. `log2`, `log10`, etc. #12

Closed abearab closed 10 months ago

abearab commented 1 year ago

abearab commented 1 year ago


similar to this part

    # pseudocount
    if pseudocountBehavior == 'default' or pseudocountBehavior == 'zeros only':
        def defaultBehavior(row): return row if min(
            row) != 0 else row + pseudocountValue
        combinedCountsPseudo = combinedCounts.apply(defaultBehavior, axis=1)
    elif pseudocountBehavior == 'all values':
        combinedCountsPseudo = combinedCounts.apply(
            lambda row: row + pseudocountValue, axis=1)
    elif pseudocountBehavior == 'filter out':
        combinedCountsPseudo = combinedCounts.copy()
        zeroRows = combinedCounts.apply(lambda row: min(row) <= 0, axis=1)
        combinedCountsPseudo.loc[zeroRows, :] = np.nan
        raise ValueError(
            'Pseudocount behavior not recognized or not implemented')

    totalCounts = combinedCountsPseudo.sum()
    countsRatio = float(totalCounts[0])/totalCounts[1]