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Bill of Law: Banning of Chemical Pesticides on Golf 2020 #1

Open GilsonCarlos opened 4 years ago

GilsonCarlos commented 4 years ago

Banning of Chemical Pesticides on Golf 2020.pdf

GilsonCarlos commented 4 years ago

SECTION 1-Bill of Law: Banning of Chemical Pesticides on Golf 2020

The objectives of this law are: 1. Control the maintenance of pest control and pesticide use; 2. Prevent risks to human health at that time in Covid-19 that can weaken the immunity resulting from the use of pesticides; 3. Protect plants and the environment from the adverse effects of pesticides;

SECTION 2-DEFINITIONS 1- Any Golf Club that wishes to use Pesticides needs to undergo a technical evaluation in order to carry out a comparative analysis with the health record of regulars, visitors and spectators for the application of qualified pesticides that will not harm the health of those who practice Golf. 2- Any pesticide existing before the enactment of this Law is considered unusable and a fine and temporary closure of the same are permitted for the evaluation and restructuring of alternative elements for combating pests and improving the quality of grass and natural elements in this environment.


With the world reaching the peak of this pandemic caused by COVID-19, and the big question that all golfers are asking, how is our daily golf? The concept of Quality of Life is not unanimously defined, being often ambiguous and elusive, however factors such as education, health, environment, politics, economy, living conditions, society and productivity can be part of this concept. This narrative review, observes golf as a recreational or sport activity, which produces beneficial effects on several of these factors since it promotes low intensity physical exercise, appropriate even for cardiac patients. The improvements in balance, strength, physiological and mental parameters are noticeable, especially in the population. It can be practiced simultaneously by children, adults and the elderly, through the Handicap System, something that few sports can do, serving as a stimulus for social activities of a population. Golf is therefore a lifelong activity, which improves Quality of Life of all its practitioners, also serving as a tool for social inclusion.

SECTION 4-PROVISIONS (1) Biological control uses natural enemies of pests and diseases on plants and soils to reduce their impact, which means using three times fewer chemicals, with the same performance and lower cost. Advantages and weaknesses revolve around this key alternative to ensure the sustainability of the systems. (2) Use the club's vacation and maintenance period for the application of new inputs to combat pests and preserve the environment. (3) Hire Professional Consultants to evaluate and check the current status of the golde club and offer short and medium term change measures (4) Conserving the biological control agents available in nature, in order to obtain a systemic ecological benefit.

SECTION 5-SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS Eccessions All pesticide containers currently in the cluber must be accompanied by an American language label, which should include: (1) Common and commercial names, concentration formulation and pesticide ingredients. (2) The type of product (for example, insecticide, fungicide, herbicide, rodenticide). (3) The name of the pest that the pesticide is intended to eradicate and the recommended dosage. It is important to compare the health record of each member who frequents so as not to cause damage to health. (4) Instructions for use, application methods, persistence and preharvest interval. (5) Warnings and precautionary measures, including signs and symptoms of poisoning and information on safety, health and first aid measures, warning symbols and environmental protection precautions. (6) The date of manufacture, validity, batch number and name of the country of manufacture. (7) Other technical requirements related (8) Professional technicians present on the golf course: Nurses and Chemistry Technicians.