Giuseppe1992 / Distrinet

Distributed Network emulator, based on Mininet
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Issues when running example #69

Open cse578group29 opened 2 years ago

cse578group29 commented 2 years ago

Hello, when running the example in the tutorial on VirtualBox with VMs, I got the errors as shown in the picture. Do you have any suggestions on solving it? Thank you!


Giuseppe1992 commented 2 years ago

hello @cse578group29, It is possible that the space added after the comma between and is causing this issue.

can you try if again without the spaces in the --workers parameter?

cse578group29 commented 2 years ago

Hello, @Giuseppe1992 It has the same error after deleting the space. Any other suggestions? Thanks!

Giuseppe1992 commented 2 years ago

Can you run from your master:

ansible all -u root -m raw -a "lxc image ls"

and while you are running the experiment, when you receive the error from the master open another terminal and run:

ansible all -u root -m raw -a "lxc ls"

cse578group29 commented 2 years ago

Here is the output in master VM, the ssh connection tests are successful. image

Giuseppe1992 commented 2 years ago

Can you try to clean the environment before starting a new experiment? it may be the issue.

create a file on your master i.e.

vim /tmp/ and paste the following script:

lxc ls | grep "PER" | awk '{print "lxc delete ", $2 ,"--force"}' > $$; sh $$; rm $$; ip link delete vNone; ip link | grep "MUL" | grep -v "ens5" | tr -d ":" | tr "@" " " | awk '{print "ip link delete ",$2}' > $$ ; sh $$; rm $$

then move the script in all the nodes

ansible all -m copy -a "src=/tmp/ dest=/root/"

and run

ansible all -a "sh"

If you run: ansible all -u root -m raw -a "lxc ls"

Everything should be clean