Giveth / Communication

Where we decentralize Giveth Communication
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Contact/Relationship Management System (CRM not CMS) #110

Open Danibelle opened 5 years ago

Danibelle commented 5 years ago

Its time to manage our spreadsheets and business cards - BEFORE we begin contacting people for things like fundraising, beta testing, collaboration etc. we need an information management tool so that within different orbits of the galaxy we can see who is talking to whom about what and when.

Current spreadsheet Dani is tracking with info provided through various forms is here.

Setting up future forms with consistent fields so the data can be imported into the selected tool is vewy vewy important.

Not using a centralized system that will own our people's data is also mucho importante.

Looking at a demo of dis one now: Open source, on GitHub: It apppears to be the open source version of a well-known corporate tool: .. sweet .. suite .. ;)

Pol-Lanski commented 5 years ago

Isn't Zoho, our email provider, having a CRM too?

krrisis commented 5 years ago is the winner!

geleeroyale commented 5 years ago

We are live (for quite some time actually) on:

@krrisis has been invited :)

Danibelle commented 5 years ago

Strategy for bringing the CRM System online (Phase 1): 1.) Map existing modules, categories and fields in SuiteCRM to our ecosystem 2.) Import 3 spreadsheets of collected contact information for Giveth collaborators ~a.) Be a Giveth Maker ~b.) Becoming a DAC ~c.) Communities Form 3.) Create announcement and invitation for reaching out ~a.) Are you still in (can we contact you and about what) ~b.) If so, how (giver, maker, both) ~c.) More information here (form to collect and import specifics)