GlenKPeterson / Paguro

Generic, Null-safe, Immutable Collections and Functional Transformations for the JVM
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Eliminate unmodMap/Set/List/SortedMap/SortedSet methods and Unmod classes in FunctionUtils? #18

Closed GlenKPeterson closed 7 years ago

GlenKPeterson commented 7 years ago

I'm talking about the wrapper classes, empty unmodifiable constructors and wrapper methods in FunctionalUtils. They seemed like a step in the right direction before incorporating the persistent collections from Clojure.

A year or two after adding the Clojure collections, I have removed all usages from client code. Instead I always use the data definition shortcuts in StaticImports like vec(...), set(...), etc., or xform(oldCollection).

People like that Paguro is small (less than 250K). I don't want to keep code that no-one is using when there are better ways of doing those things. Without that code, Paguro currently goes from 229,935 to 218,672 bytes which is 11K or about 5% difference. What do you think about eliminating those for Paguro 3.0?

GlenKPeterson commented 7 years ago

No-one responded, so I eliminated these wrappers in the 3.0 release which is on the RRB branch and ready to try out now.