GlideAngle / flare-timing

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Unable to create file after git pull. #332

Open philderbeast opened 5 years ago

philderbeast commented 5 years ago

On windows some filenames may not be permitted:

e:\Dev\Src\blockscope\flare-timing-scores>git pull
remote: Enumerating objects: 2560, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (2560/2560), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 5367 (delta 2557), reused 2558 (delta 2557), pack-reused 2807
Receiving objects: 100% (5367/5367), 225.93 MiB | 19.09 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3992/3992), completed with 1298 local objects.
   31bb1a7b..d804236b  master     -> origin/master
error: unable to create file Chamousset/2019/.flare-timing/align-time/task-1/Dusan DURKOVI? 221.csv: Invalid argument
error: unable to create file Chamousset/2019/.flare-timing/align-time/task-2/Dusan DURKOVI? 221.csv: Invalid argument
error: unable to create file Chamousset/2019/.flare-timing/discard-further/task-1/Dusan DURKOVI? 221.csv: Invalid argument
error: unable to create file Chamousset/2019/.flare-timing/discard-further/task-2/Dusan DURKOVI? 221.csv: Invalid argument
error: unable to create file Chamousset/2019/.flare-timing/peg-then-discard/task-1/Dusan DURKOVI? 221.csv: Invalid argument
error: unable to create file Chamousset/2019/.flare-timing/peg-then-discard/task-2/Dusan DURKOVI? 221.csv: Invalid argument
Checking out files: 100% (6407/6407), done.
Updating 31bb1a7b..d804236b
philderbeast commented 5 years ago

The offending files have a question mark in the name, Dusan DURKOVI? 221.csv.

 - - - '221'
      - Dusan DURKOVI?
    - 0221.igc
<FsParticipant id="221" name="Dusan DURKOVI?"/>