GlobalPathogenAnalysisService / gpas-cli

The CLI client for GPAS SC2
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The command line client for interacting with the GPAS SARS-CoV-2 platform. Performs client-side host decontamination and upload, and automatically renames downloaded output files with original sample identifiers for convenience while preserving privacy. Installs with Conda or Docker and supports Ubuntu Linux, MacOS and Windows (under WSL).

Upload CLI demo


With conda

Miniconda is recommended (Miniconda installation guide). If using a recent Mac with ARM architecture, you'll need to install Miniconda and gpas-cli inside a Rosetta Terminal.

# Create and activate the conda environment
curl -OJ
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate gpas-sc2

# Show gpas-cli version
gpas --version

# Updating? Run this before creating the conda environment
conda remove -n gpas-sc2 --all

With docker

gpas-cli releases are pushed to Docker Hub for easy installation on most platforms and architectures.

# Fetch image, show gpas-cli version
docker run oxfordmmm/gpas-cli:latest gpas --version

# Fetch image, upload example data using a bound volume
docker run \
-v /Users/bede/Research/Git/gpas-cli/tests/test-data:/test-data \
oxfordmmm/gpas-cli:latest \
gpas upload \
--environment dev \
--token /test-data/token.json \
--out-dir /test-data/output \

# Build image from scratch, show gpas-cli version
curl -OJ
docker run --rm $(docker build -q .) gpas --version

# Build image from scratch, upload example data
docker run \
-v /Users/bede/Research/Git/gpas-cli/tests/test-data:/test-data \
$(docker build -q .) \
gpas upload \
--environment dev \
--token /test-data/token.json \
--out-dir /test-data/output \

With pip

One can alternatively pip install the PyPI package in a Python 3.10+ environment, and manually install samtools and readItAndKeep binary dependencies.

# Install inside a new Python environment
python3 -m venv gpas-sc2
source gpas-sc2/bin/activate
pip install gpas

# Show gpas-cli version
gpas --version

# If samtools and read-it-and-keep are not in $PATH, tell gpas-cli where to find them
export GPAS_SAMTOOLS_PATH=path/to/samtools
export GPAS_READITANDKEEP_PATH=path/to/readItAndKeep

With PyInstaller

Static Linux, MacOS and Windows executables are generated for each release. These are intended for distribution with the GUI client but may also be used independently. These can be downloaded from the 'Artifacts' section of each workflow run listed here:


Most gpas-cli actions require a valid API token (token.json). This can be saved using the 'Get API token' button on the 'Upload Client' page of the GPAS portal. If you can't see this button, please ask the GPAS team to enable it for you. And if you'd like to try GPAS, please get in touch!

Command line usage

gpas validate

Validates an upload_csv and checks that the fastq or bam files it references exist.

gpas validate large-nanopore-fastq.csv

# Validate supplied tags
gpas validate --environment dev --token token.json large-nanopore-fastq.csv
% gpas validate -h
usage: gpas validate [-h] [--token TOKEN] [--environment {dev,staging,prod}] [--json-messages] upload_csv

Validate an upload CSV. Validates tags remotely if supplied with an authentication token

positional arguments:
  upload_csv            Path of upload CSV

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --token TOKEN         Path of auth token available from GPAS Portal
                        (default: None)
  --environment {dev,staging,prod}
                        GPAS environment to use
                        (default: prod)
  --json-messages       Emit JSON to stdout
                        (default: False)

gpas upload

Validates, decontaminates and upload reads specified in upload_csv to the specified GPAS environment

Upload CLI demo

gpas upload --environment dev --token token.json large-illumina-bam.csv

# Dry run; skip submission
gpas upload --dry-run --environment dev --token token.json large-illumina-bam.csv

# Offline mode; quit after decontamination
gpas upload tests/test-data/large-nanopore-fastq.csv
% gpas upload -h
usage: gpas upload [-h] [--token TOKEN] [--working-dir WORKING_DIR] [--out-dir OUT_DIR] [--processes PROCESSES] [--dry-run]
                   [--debug] [--environment {dev,staging,prod}] [--json-messages]

Validate, decontaminate and upload reads to the GPAS platform

positional arguments:
  upload_csv            Path of upload csv

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --token TOKEN         Path of auth token available from GPAS Portal
                        (default: None)
  --working-dir WORKING_DIR
                        Path of directory in which to make intermediate files
                        (default: /tmp)
  --out-dir OUT_DIR     Path of directory in which to save mapping CSV
                        (default: .)
  --processes PROCESSES
                        Number of tasks to execute in parallel. 0 = auto
                        (default: 0)
  --dry-run             Exit before submitting files
                        (default: False)
  --debug               Emit verbose debug messages
                        (default: False)
  --environment {dev,staging,prod}
                        GPAS environment to use
                        (default: prod)
  --json-messages       Emit JSON to stdout
                        (default: False)

gpas download

Downloads json, fasta, vcf and bam outputs from the GPAS platform by passing either a mapping_csv generated during batch upload, or a comma-separated list of sample guids. By passing both --mapping-csv and --rename, output files are saved using local sample names without the platform's knowledge.

Download CLI demo

# Download and rename BAMs for a previous upload
gpas download --rename --mapping-csv C-a06cbab8.mapping.csv --file-types bam token.json

# Download all outputs for a single guid
gpas download --guids 6e024eb1-432c-4b1b-8f57-3911fe87555f --file-types json,vcf,bam,fasta token.json
% gpas download -h
usage: gpas download [-h] [--mapping-csv MAPPING_CSV] [--guids GUIDS] [--file-types FILE_TYPES] [--out-dir OUT_DIR] [--rename]
                     [--debug] [--environment {dev,staging,prod}]

Download analytical outputs from the GPAS platform for given a mapping csv or list of guids

positional arguments:
  token                 Path of auth token (available from GPAS Portal)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mapping-csv MAPPING_CSV
                        Path of mapping CSV generated at upload time
                        (default: None)
  --guids GUIDS         Comma-separated list of GPAS sample guids
                        (default: )
  --file-types FILE_TYPES
                        Comma separated list of outputs to download (json,fasta,bam,vcf)
                        (default: fasta)
  --out-dir OUT_DIR     Path of output directory
                        (default: /Users/bede/Research/Git/gpas-cli)
  --rename              Rename outputs using local sample names (requires --mapping-csv)
                        (default: False)
  --debug               Emit verbose debug messages
                        (default: False)
  --environment {dev,staging,prod}
                        GPAS environment to use
                        (default: prod)

gpas status

Check the processing status of an uploaded batch by passing either a mapping_csv generated at upload time, or a comma-separated list of sample guids.

gpas status --mapping-csv example_mapping.csv --environment dev token.json
gpas status --guids 6e024eb1-432c-4b1b-8f57-3911fe87555f --format json token.json
% gpas status -h
usage: gpas status [-h] [--mapping-csv MAPPING_CSV] [--guids GUIDS] [--format {table,csv,json}] [--rename] [--raw]
                   [--environment {dev,staging,prod}]

Check the status of samples submitted to the GPAS platform

positional arguments:
  token                 Path of auth token available from GPAS Portal

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mapping-csv MAPPING_CSV
                        Path of mapping CSV generated at upload time
                        (default: None)
  --guids GUIDS         Comma-separated list of GPAS sample guids
                        (default: )
  --format {table,csv,json}
                        Output format
                        (default: table)
  --rename              Use local sample names (requires --mapping-csv)
                        (default: False)
  --raw                 Emit raw response
                        (default: False)
  --environment {dev,staging,prod}
                        GPAS environment to use
                        (default: prod)

Development install

git clone
cd gpas-cli
conda env create -f environment-dev.yml
conda activate gpas-sc2-dev
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall --editable ./

# Offline unit tests
pytest tests/

# The full test suite requires a valid token for dev inside tests/test-data
pytest --cov=gpas