GlobbyPotato / Rockhounding_Chemistry

The purpose of Rockhounding Chemistry is to assembly and maintain an industrial area in which several machines handle various types of ingredients (solid, fluid and gaseous) to produce advanced material for mid-late game stages. It also leads to several features, functional applications and experiments.
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Crazy lag! #106

Open MechanosG opened 4 years ago

MechanosG commented 4 years ago

Rockhounding Mod: Chemistry 1.12.2-3.43 (yes I'll be updating very soon) forge (I'll also be reverting to last recommended forge release probably as grabbing latest beta was on accident)

Hiya. So basically.. decided to test out RHChem in a legit manner on a currently active multiplayer server. Following JEI and the guidebook, I followed the production chain. Started with a mineral sizer to get a gangue, which I test ran with about 10 uninspected ore. Next I decided to skip the slurry pond and build a leaching vat. Built it and positioned it so the sizer could feed it. Built the Electro CSTR, Evaporation Tank, and 2 Lab Ovens, to get ready to attempt to automate acid production. It was around this time, that the server became unplayable. Other players started having problems with getting stuck in place, while I was getting roughly 45 second delays when attempting to do anything, such as opening chests or placing blocks. Often the server would just invalidate my actions too, such as trying to put items into a chest then having them magically pop back into my inventory.

This went on for about 2 days and I feared something was seriously wrong with the server. But then on a hunch I decided to tear down my RHChem machines. I took down my 2 ovens, and right away lag got a little better. Was still bad, but at least I could slowly open an inventory now. Thinking it was coincidence, I rebuilt the 2 ovens and built a lab blender/seasoning rack. The lag returned even worse. So this time I decided to break all of my RHChem machines (which was pretty difficult to do amongst the lag). And doing so made the lag completely go away.

This is most concerning. Looking through existing issues on here, I see multiple issues reporting similar problems, talking about excessive CPU usage and excessive chunk updates. So I assume my issue might be related. Either way, it saddens me to find this out, as my current modpack-in-progress was going to use RHChem as one of it's central mods (it has all of the rockhounding mods currently), and I was really starting to enjoy the whole process of setting up a lab. Is there any chance one of the last 2 updates fixed any of the lag issues? If not, I may have to, at least temporarily, remove RHChem just to keep my pack playable.

GlobbyPotato commented 4 years ago

hi, sorry about that, it's known issue that server syncing may not be very efficient, so if it doesn't solve feel free to remove it. Time shortage doesn't help with massive code rewriting and testing at the moment.

MechanosG commented 4 years ago

Totally understandable. I really do like your mod. I hope someday time constraints will be more agreeable, or that maybe someone could help you out should you accept the help. I guess for the time being I'll just have to keep tabs on the project. Thank you for your response.

MechanosG commented 4 years ago

Out of curiosity, does the Bloomery/other machines from Rockhounding Ore Tiers use similar code? Or should it be fine to continue using the other Rockhounding mods?

GlobbyPotato commented 4 years ago

similar code, no idea how they perform. feel free to remove them.