Go2Engle / PoGoMap-GUI

Small GUI for PokemonGo-Map
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
19 stars 5 forks source link

Request - Make IV checking for notifications individual for each Pokemon.- #40

Open sudarsk opened 7 years ago

sudarsk commented 7 years ago

Hi engle,

Could it be possible to customize IV values per individual pokemon? For example, I want PokeAlarm to notify me of every 100% Pokemon, but also of EVERY Snorlax/Dragonite regards its IV.

If you could do this, it would be amazing! Otherwise the GUI is in a really nice state as it is, so thank you very much for your work. Sending my donation right now!

Cheers from Uruguay!

sudarsk commented 7 years ago

Oops, it seems PayPal ME its not available in my country. Is there any other way I can donate? Maybe regular Paypal?

Go2Engle commented 7 years ago

I would really like it to get to that point but that may take me a bit to get too :/ and hmmm the paypalme is the only way i know of anymore. what you mean regular paypal?

thecopter commented 7 years ago

Just my 2 cents but if you set the notification to 100% and add snorlax and dragonite to the notification list it should do the job.

This is what it does for me. I get notifications of every 90% + pokemon and for some specific.

Go2Engle commented 7 years ago

That confused me(Probably because my mind is still half asleep). You did this from my GUI or in the config file itself?