GoTestTools / gotestfmt

go test output for humans
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[bug] delimiter in gotestfmt ----> just intermittent error githubaction #56

Closed Kim-Hyo-Bin closed 9 months ago

Kim-Hyo-Bin commented 9 months ago

libcontainerssh Go language version upgrade in progress look at the github action fail (using gotestfmt)

image Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

image but looking at the log, everything appears normal and all passed func time is 0s

compare github action image it is sucess but

compare custom environment test image

same progress and all passed

i will guess --- PASS: --> part triggers an error and result skip (func test time 0s) the part below '---' is omitted.

and gotestfmt result using --- or ===

Would it be better to unify the usage of '---' and '===' since they are being used interchangeably?

ghost commented 9 months ago

Hi @Kim-Hyo-Bin please post the JSON output of your test so we can properly debug this and create tests for it.

Kim-Hyo-Bin commented 9 months ago

Hi @Kim-Hyo-Bin please post the JSON output of your test so we can properly debug this and create tests for it.

sorry.. forget me....

try again. same code


all task passed.