Godzil / Crunchy

Crunchy is capable of downloading anime episodes from the popular CrunchyRoll streaming service.
MIT License
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Add some form of watchdog on ffmpeg #122

Open Godzil opened 4 years ago

Godzil commented 4 years ago

I found that some times, ffmepg seems to hang doing whatever it is doing and never exit, it seems to happen quite often at the end of the file, but I don't know why.

You can "solve" the situation by killing the process, it will not kill Crunchy, and just trigger a retry. The problem is I can't really say what is the normal time to download as it is really dependent on your internet connection. 5min for someone may be the average time where it would be 20 for another.

I may add an optional setting in the config file to set a timeout if needed.