GokulNC / USB_Mass_Storage_Enabler

An app to mount memory card like pen drive
MIT License
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UMS 1.62 on Xperia Z5: bug (or feature request?) #3

Open TheShadowRunner opened 5 years ago

TheShadowRunner commented 5 years ago

Hello, I use a Xperia Z5C and would love to use USB MSEnabler but alas nothing in the options I alter seems to work. The drive F: shows up on Windows PC, as a Mass Storage device, all good, but it's empty when I click on it (please insert media). It's like the microSD card isn't mounted properly.

I found another app called "USB Share"[ os.devwom.usbsharereval , that needs the android device date's to be changed to jan 2017 otherwise trial period is expired :S) that allows me to mount the microSD card as a virtual image and share it as Mass Storage device, and it works. On PC I can access it as Mass Storage device. But there are 2 issues, the microSD card is mounted as read only, and having to set the time to Jan 2017 for the app to run isn't ideal either :/

What I notice though is that this "USB Share" app is mounting the microSD card as: /mnt/media_rw/1471-1AEA

So I tried to replicate this in UMS 1.62 but I just cannot select 1471-1AEA .... At /mnt/media_rw/ when browsing from inside UMS 1.62, the media_rw folder is just empty...

Android 7.1.1, SELinux set to permissive, UMS 1.62 has root, everything seems to be in order but it just doesn't/cannot mount my microSD. I'll be happy to provide any detail you require / test any builds you throw at me.. Please help :) Thanks.

edit: Attaching a file which may help making UMS 1.62 compatible with Sony Z5 family series (I believe anyway ^^). It was generated by the "USB Share" app mentionned above. Z5C.txt

TheShadowRunner commented 5 years ago

Oops, wrong command ^^; Anyway more infos that may help pinpoint the source of the issue in the form of images attached. screenshot_20170701-232744 screenshot_20190301-232356 screenshot_20190301-232435

TheShadowRunner commented 5 years ago

Please help, Gokul..^^;

TheShadowRunner commented 4 years ago

GokulNC, really could use your help..

GokulNC commented 4 years ago

I don't remember how "USB Share"[ os.devwom.usbsharereval] works, but as far as I can tell, it actually creates something like a fuse mountpoint of the folder that you choose, and connects it to the file driver of Android kernel. The reason it's in read-only mount is because by default if I remember right, USB-Share app uses the CD_ROM file driver to do this.

Referring to the txt file that you attached, it's probably /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/f_cdrom/lun which my app isn't displaying. Referring to the 2nd screenshot that you have attached, in the top right corner, click the 3-dots menu and check if there's an option like "Display All options". This should list all the LUNs that you can use. Now try the CD-ROM if it turns up there. If it works, good. If it doesn't I'm sorry I can't help any more.

It's been almost 3-4 years since I have stopped the development of this app. It's so long that I almost forgot Android development. And BTW, I'm sorry for my really late reply.