Open pavanseniorassociate opened 2 years ago
@pavanseniorassociate Is your issue that Chrome never launches?
@adamraine Yes
I can't repro this unfortunately, could you please provide this information:
I was able to reproduce this when I removed the --chrome-flags=--headless
flag, perhaps headless mode isn't being applied somehow?
@pavanseniorassociate lmk if either of these commands works for you:
lighthouse --chrome-flags="--headless"
If you have Xorg installed:
xvfb-run --auto-servernum lighthouse --chrome-flags="--headless"
HI @adamraine
Below command is not working. getting same error... LH:ChromeLauncher Waiting for browser
lighthouse --chrome-flags="--headless"
In Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) ubuntu I was experiencing this. The solution may be usable for a server having this issue if the path to chrome is not set with CHROME_PATH properly. Launch lighthouse with --verbose
set to see the google chrome path running on your system. See documentation regarding CHROME_PATH here.
After installing google-chrome:
sudo apt -y install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
Find your chrome path
which google-chrome
Export CHROME_PATH (swap out the value for your path if different)
export CHROME_PATH=/usr/bin/google-chrome
The problem was LH:ChromeLauncher was trying to launch chrome from the following incorrect path by default in my setup, which was the windows path to google chrome instead of the linux path:
/mnt/c/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe
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