GordonLesti / Lesti_Fpc

Simple Magento Fullpagecache
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Magento 1.9.* Welcome message problems #311

Open TerfanAybara opened 6 years ago

TerfanAybara commented 6 years ago

This is a very random problem and has weird results.

When a customer logs in their name will show up in the Welcome Message. When they either click log out or their session expires the Welcome message changes to "Welcome, Gordon Lesti! (Not Gordon Lesti?)" This is where things get weird. The first time you visit a product page (or any page that is cache-able) or refresh the cache in Magento, the message acts as you would expect, but on refreshing the page or when navigating away and back to that product page, the welcome message shows either nothing in the first section or has the default welcome message in the first section, but still has "(Not Gordon Lesti?)". For example it will either be "Default welcome msg! (Not Gordon Lesti?)" or just "(Not Gordon Lesti?)" with no welcome message. I have seen it do both. I have also seen it give the wrong customer name.

I have tried taking the welcome message out of the lazy block and put it in the dynamic block. I have tried adding the parent blocks so they are not getting cached, but nothing seems to help. On pages that are not cached (like the cart page) or if I turn off FPC, the message goes back to normal.

I have been searching for a solution and have not found one. This problem can be recreated with a fresh install of Magento 1.9.* (I did my install with both and and without the default products, but added my own for testing) and the only module installed is Lesti FPC. In System->Configuration->Customers->Persistent Shopping Cart and turn it on. All other settings should be default. Please help!!!

kvnx commented 6 years ago

yes i have tha same problem an i have welcome message in lazy block. I'cant understand how to solve this!

danielcmuresan commented 6 years ago

@TerfanAybara try to add in Dynamic blocks this: "header.additional" Having "welcome" in Lazy Blocks it's fine but (Not Gordon Lesti?) comes from persistent shopping cart. I have this issue as well and I added this, so far I haven't seen the problem anymore. Please let me know if this worked for you as well

kvnx commented 6 years ago

I don't understand what is this "(Not Gordon Lesti?)" .... ??

danielcmuresan commented 6 years ago

The name is not important, "Gordon Lesti" was added as an example. image

kvnx commented 6 years ago

Ahahaan OK thank you. Excuse me! but I must also keep "welcome" in lazy or not? additional do i have to put it lazy or dynamic?

danielcmuresan commented 6 years ago

Yes, keep "welcome" in lazy. "additional" I would say that can go to dynamic. and make sure you have magento > 1.7

also, keep in mind that this may not work, it's still something that needs to be tested.

kvnx commented 6 years ago

OK thank you. I'll try this in this afternoo.There are sale way for test if work?

kvnx commented 6 years ago

Is this ok? i have this in dynamic

messages, header.additional, global_messages, global_notices, giantpoints.toplinks.label, global_cookie_notice, right.reports.product.viewed, compare.mini

and this in lazy

welcome, top.links, giantpoints.toplinks.label, cart_sidebar, catalog.compare.sidebar, wishlist_sidebar, minicart_head, right.poll

danielcmuresan commented 6 years ago

seems to be right

TerfanAybara commented 6 years ago

@danielcmuresan I will test this out and get back to you. Thanks for the help and suggestion

tawfekov commented 6 years ago

in case you was using the popular module : google analytics plus , you should add this block : googleanalyticsplus_universal

other blocks can be found on : app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/googleanalyticsplus.xml