GovAlta / ui-components-design

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Workspace (Discovery) #16

Open Spark450 opened 6 hours ago

Spark450 commented 6 hours ago


Research and discovery work needs to be done to gather insights and understandings about case management flows and requirements. This will ensure that the case management patterns and templates we develop are effectively tailored to the needs of most designers and developers, providing a robust, extensible foundation for building case management services.

Acceptance Criteria:

Organization scan: Perform a scan of the existing case management DDD products to identify best practices, innovative solutions, and potential gaps in the current offerings.

Identify Key User Flows: Research and document the key user flows that are common in case management applications used within the government. This includes understanding how files/cases are created, assigned, filtered/sorted, managed, and closed.

Component Identification: Identify the critical components that make up effective case management interfaces, such as dashboards, case lists, detail views, and forms. 

Given our close work with the Land titles area, special attention should be paid to components like selectable table rows/containers and "drawer" components for potential integration.

Stakeholder Interviews: Conduct interviews with designers, and developers from DDD teams to gather insights on their needs, pain points, and expectations from a case management pattern.

Documentation: Outline recommended user flow(s) and new components and enhancements to existing components needed to create the case management patterns/templates.

Validation Workshop: Organize a validation workshop with designers who have built case management services at DDD, to review the research findings (user flows and designs) and gather feedback to ensure the direction is aligned with user needs and expectations.

Organizational Scan


Case management underlies every service in the government, as it revolves around collecting information, making decisions, taking appropriate actions. However, within DDD, there are different definitions of what constitutes a Case management Service. These interpretations can be categorized as follows:

Comprehensive services: Some services that do more than case managing, that have multiple portals and dependencies. Services that fit in this category aren’t seen as case management services as they offer alternative methods of managing intake, using platforms like SharePoint, Outlook or other third-party services.

Exemplar service: Services that focus in specific types of case management. Examples include SCSS' Compass (Case Management and Intake Management ), FSCD and PDD services.

Varying services: These are categorized as case management service in ServiceNow by individuals who have different definition of case mgmt. than we do.


PO's aren't necessarily subject matter experts so it is best to reach out to PDDs to direct you to people on their teams.

Hesitant replies from contacts or no response.

Inconsistencies in terminologies: Most PDDs I contacted mentioned they didn't offer a "Case Management" service. Also, changing the word case management to "Record Management" or "Intake Management" didn’t resonate with teams as previously thought.

Outdated Directories: Some directories, such as Confluence and the ServiceNow Business application catalogue, lack updated Information. Changes in names of initiatives, contacts being reassigned to other product teams, new roadmap items etc. are contributing factors to these issues.

Identifying Key User Flows

SCSS Services– Information provided by Dave Van Vliet.

Income Support Case Management (Work began here before any design system really existed)

FED: @Benji

Overview and dummy account


High Level User Flow - Refer to Miro board

The flow begins by the worker searching for a case, continuing through intake, assessment and monitoring and concludes with closing and archiving.

Dashboard - Search bar

The front-stage worker starts at the dashboard and uses search bar

Search flow

Front-end worker searches

Search Result Dashboard: Displays search results. The worker clicks the result to bring up the case file.

Intake process

Intake assessment dashboard: Front-stage worker starts the intake process through the dashboard

Intake form: Fills out the intake form and sends it to a queue in the back stage

Intake management queue: The form is now on the queue and back-stage worker assigns the case to another worker. The back-stage worker gets confirmation case has been assigned.

Assessment Process

Front-stage worker dashboard: Assigned worker opens the case file

Assessment dashboard: Worker views the assessment details

Assessment form: Front-stage worker completes the form and submits decision

Eligibility modal: Pops us when the worker submits a decision. Allows them to review and submit the decision. The submit button takes worker back to the assessment dashboard and closes the application

Complete assessment modal: Appears when the worker click the close application button and allows confirmation.

Action plan dashboard: Allows font-stage worker assign activities to Albertan and set deadlines.

Monitoring and reminders

Reminder Dashboard: Enables tracking of upcoming tasks and overdue reminders

Assessment Dashboard: Worker monitors progress and select the activity outcome.

Activity outcome modal: Mark progress as complete, confirm end date and change outcome

Acton plan and Closing

Action Plan Dashboard: Worker reviews the action plan and archives plan

Archive action plan modal: Final step to archive the action plan.

Tenent (To replace Mobius) – Information provided by Terri Cherriman

Mobius (Will be replaced by Tenent)

Currently building MVP for one of the four streams of service.

FED: @Meng Li


High Level User Flow - Refer to Miro board

The primary users of this service are external contractors who provide training and employment services across Alberta and GoA contract service coordinators (CSCs) who oversee contracts that are carried out by all of the external providers.

Provider Flow:

The flow begins by the provider searching for participants name on the dashboard search bar.

Dashboard: Actions include but are not limited to:

Initiate a search for participant through the search bar

Accessing a client's plan file through the information row

Monitoring service progress

Filling/editing participants personal details

Showing completed cases

Scheduling and performing a follow up with a client

Documenting the outcomes of the session e.t.c.

Account Creation

Creating new account for the participant

Setting up a reminder for follow up

Generating and Downloading reports

Program implementation

Program implementation dashboard: Main interface to manage programs. This enables the provider to start or manage an existing program in the queue


Verification Screen: The provider performs verification

Assessment list: Within the contract record, the provider can navigate to assessment list view if participant is eligible for service and creates a client plan. Confirms service plan with GoA Contract service coordinators (CSCs)

Receive a confirmation email from the CSCs and implement the program

Program implementation dashboard: Provider implements the program

Follow-up, monitoring and reminders

Reminder Dashboard: Enables provider track upcoming tasks and set follow-up reminders

Assessment Dashboard: Provider monitors service progress.

GoA Contract service coordinators (CSCs) Flow

FSCD (Family Support for Children with Disabilities) - Again: Non-design-system components

FED: @Lia Shechter


PDD (Persons with Developmental Disabilities)

Useful because the team is using new design system components.

FED: @Yin Liu


Component Identification


Multi-portal Login Cards:

Summary Banner:

Side Stepper:

Side Menu:

Date Picker:

Rich Text Area:

Dynamic Modal:

Action Plan Cards:

Reminder Cards:

File Uploader:


Address Lookup:

Other existing components used include: Header, Footer, Radio, Icons, Text area, Skeleton loading, Modals, Stepper e.t.c

Spark450 commented 6 hours ago

Jira issue