Grails-Plugin-Consortium / grails-filterpane

Filterpane plugin for grails.
Apache License 2.0
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Filterpane with MongoDB does always a count (which is very slow in mongodb) #47

Closed PatrickHuetter closed 10 years ago

PatrickHuetter commented 10 years ago

I'm using filterpane 2.4.2 with mongoDB 3.0.1 plugin. I have only one domain class wich contains a String and many numbers. For example:

class Person { 
String fullName 
Integer age 
Integer miles 

I had 6 Mio. persons in my database. Using filterpane to filter these persons worked fine. After importing 20 Mio. persons it got very slow.

I figured out where the problem is: A "count" takes very long in mongoDB. I don't count anywhere in my code so i can't understand why filterpane is doing a count on my person mongodb collection. I found this in my mongoDB logs wich shows, that filterpane is always doing a count before the main query:

2014-07-15T12:22:02.998+0200 [conn5] command personDeskMiddleware.$cmd command: count { count: "person", query: { person: /^\Q\E.*\Qmichael jackson\E.*\Q\E$/i } } keyUpdates:0 numYields:227 locks(micros) r:74486687 reslen:48 37360ms

2014-07-15T12:22:16.291+0200 [conn5] query personDeskMiddleware.person query: { person: /^\Q\E.*\Qmichael jackson\E.*\Q\E$/i } planSummary: IXSCAN { person: 1 } cursorid:95038381028 ntoreturn:0 ntoskip:0 nscanned:8082095 nscannedObjects:101 keyUpdates:0 numYields:168 locks(micros) r:26431982 nreturned:101 reslen:27780 13290ms

As you can see the count takes more than 37 seconds. This is very bad for me because one filter query takes very long then and i don't need the count and i don't count in my code so this must be in the filterpane plugin.

I don't use the filterpane with gsp views, i use the filterpaneService for a REST API wich returns the filtered persons.

Why mongodb count is slow can be find in many sources on the internet. For example:

So why is filterpane doing a count before each query and how can i disable this?

[This issue ist similar to ]

ctoestreich commented 10 years ago

Looking at the code, if you simply call filterPaneService.filter(params, Book) or something similar using your classes, it should not do a count. Can you send me the line of code that calls the filterPaneService in your code?

PatrickHuetter commented 10 years ago

I'm using this code in my controller action:

        def personInstanceList = filterPaneService.filter(filterParams, Person)
        def personInstanceListCount = personInstanceList.size()

That's all.

ctoestreich commented 10 years ago

let me test out with non-mongo and see if count is invoked, by using the .filter method it should not be.

ctoestreich commented 10 years ago

I think MongoDB driver for grails or the plugin is doing the count.

When I run this test

def "test emdash filtering"() {
        def params = ['filter': [op: [title: 'ILike'], title: 'how']]
        Book.findOrSaveWhere(title: 'Hello�how are you')

        def results = filterPaneService.filter(params, Book)

        Book.list().size() == 1
        1 == results?.size()

I see this output from hibernate with no count query.

--Output from test emdash filtering--
Hibernate: select as id2_0_, this_.version as version2_0_, this_.book_type as book3_2_0_, this_.co_author_id as co4_2_0_, this_.cost as cost2_0_, this_.currency as currency2_0_, this_.in_stock as in7_2_0_, this_.last_updated as last8_2_0_, this_.price as price2_0_, this_.read_priority as read10_2_0_, this_.release_date as release11_2_0_, this_.title as title2_0_, this_.display_until as display14_2_0_, this_.month as month2_0_, this_.year as year2_0_, this_.price * 1.055 as formula0_0_, this_.class as class2_0_ from book this_ where (this_.title=?) limit ?
Hibernate: insert into book (id, version, book_type, co_author_id, cost, currency, in_stock, last_updated, price, read_priority, release_date, title, class) values (null, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 'org.grails.plugin.filterpane.Book')
Hibernate: select as id2_0_, this_.version as version2_0_, this_.book_type as book3_2_0_, this_.co_author_id as co4_2_0_, this_.cost as cost2_0_, this_.currency as currency2_0_, this_.in_stock as in7_2_0_, this_.last_updated as last8_2_0_, this_.price as price2_0_, this_.read_priority as read10_2_0_, this_.release_date as release11_2_0_, this_.title as title2_0_, this_.display_until as display14_2_0_, this_.month as month2_0_, this_.year as year2_0_, this_.price * 1.055 as formula0_0_, this_.class as class2_0_ from book this_ where (lower(this_.title) like ?) order by this_.title asc
Hibernate: select as id2_0_, this_.version as version2_0_, this_.book_type as book3_2_0_, this_.co_author_id as co4_2_0_, this_.cost as cost2_0_, this_.currency as currency2_0_, this_.in_stock as in7_2_0_, this_.last_updated as last8_2_0_, this_.price as price2_0_, this_.read_priority as read10_2_0_, this_.release_date as release11_2_0_, this_.title as title2_0_, this_.display_until as display14_2_0_, this_.month as month2_0_, this_.year as year2_0_, this_.price * 1.055 as formula0_0_, this_.class as class2_0_ from book this_ order by lower(this_.title) asc
|Completed 1 integration test, 0 failed in 0m 0s
ctoestreich commented 10 years ago

There is an explicit count method on the service that can be called. But if you are using the service method filter directly, you would not be hitting that.

PatrickHuetter commented 10 years ago

@ctoestreich I've seen that too and already debugged the whole filterpaneService. There is no count wich gets executed. Seems to be a mongodb grails plugin bug... I created an issue in bugtracker:

If you've some information to add, it would be fine if you comment the issue. Thank you and best regards Patrick