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Suspicious data sources during build #774

Closed EnSec4Git closed 7 years ago

EnSec4Git commented 7 years ago

Hi, While performing the "Extracting vendor files for Nexus and Pixel devices" step during build, in particular in the vendor/android-prepare-vendor/ -d $DEVICE -b $GSBUILD_ID -o vendor/android-prepare-vendor, the script downloads the oatdump tool from pretty weird URLs, including (for me at least):

Both of these appear to be outside of Copperhead's control. Can you clarify are there any legal reasons for not hosting the required files in GitHub or somewhere else?

thestinger commented 7 years ago

android-prepare-vendor isn't Copperhead software:

The sha256sum of the oatdump download is verified so I don't see this as an issue.