Hi there!
The following activity or activities have been submitted to the Green Software Champions directory with at least one new activity aligned to a project or working group you lead. By clicking "files changed" you can see the activities that have been submitted and the linked project.
Please could you now check these activities in "Files Changed" and then push the review changes button - then comment giving approval or asking for clarification.
If you have any questions, please comment to @LieneKal and @adamj89 or email champs-team@greensoftware.foundation.
Hi there! The following activity or activities have been submitted to the Green Software Champions directory with at least one new activity aligned to a project or working group you lead. By clicking "files changed" you can see the activities that have been submitted and the linked project. Please could you now check these activities in "Files Changed" and then push the review changes button - then comment giving approval or asking for clarification. If you have any questions, please comment to @LieneKal and @adamj89 or email champs-team@greensoftware.foundation.