Plot the same Antenna data from GreenBankObservatory/summer_onboarding_2023#2 using datashader instead of matplotlib.
This can be done in a Jupyter notebook, or in a "simple" Python script where you write an image file to disk. For the latter option, you can use the Image API from Datashader:
Attach the image you produce to this issue once you're done
Got up to reading in the FITS table as a Pandas dataframe, plotting the data as an image, and plotting using Holoviews (using a Jupyter notebook)
Currently trying to figure out how to plot with a Mollweide projection -- I finished downloading Geoviews and will be trying to use it along with cartopy
Was also having trouble with customizing axis labels, and I'll be working on it today
Plot the same Antenna data from GreenBankObservatory/summer_onboarding_2023#2 using datashader instead of matplotlib.
This can be done in a Jupyter notebook, or in a "simple" Python script where you write an image file to disk. For the latter option, you can use the Image API from Datashader:
Attach the image you produce to this issue once you're done