Similar to #5, but instead of showing all antenna data, we just want the data for a given Session. For example, should display only the antenna positions recorded during all scans from AGBT17A_304_03
This will require a "database" of per-session antenna position plots -- I will provide this. Your code can expect to find a given Session's antenna plot at static URL 'images/antenna_positions/session/{{session_name}}.jpg'. So, in the above example, it would load STATIC_ROOT + '/images/antenna_positions/session/AGBT17A_304_03.jpg'
Wrote a script to loop through my original script (that generates a map image for a single parquet file) for a list of paths. In hindsight, I would just modify my original script to speed things to avoid importing packages at every iteration
Had to look up static tags in Django and how to use them with variables
Blocked by Alda sandbox setup
Similar to #5, but instead of showing all antenna data, we just want the data for a given Session. For example, should display only the antenna positions recorded during all scans from
This will require a "database" of per-session antenna position plots -- I will provide this. Your code can expect to find a given Session's antenna plot at static URL
. So, in the above example, it would loadSTATIC_ROOT + '/images/antenna_positions/session/AGBT17A_304_03.jpg'