GreenleafLab / 10x-scATAC-2019

Publication Page for Satpathy*, Granja* et al 2019
92 stars 54 forks source link

data on NCBI not downloadable #15

Open eravza opened 3 years ago

eravza commented 3 years ago


I am trying to access some public data from your paper and I followed the instructions of "Getting 10x scATAC-seq Bam Files" in README. In the final figure of README, the bam file link is downloadable but as you can see below there isn't any downloadable link for the bam file. I also tried to get bam files using AWS but it didn't work.

Screenshot 2021-08-11 at 12 44 12

I only need to have access to the following bam files;

If you can point me to the files or guide me how to get them, I'll really appreciate.

Many thanks, Ravza