Grummle / PmtaUtilities

Utilities for Port 25's Power MTA
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Bounce Category Patterns #1

Open LandRush opened 11 years ago

LandRush commented 11 years ago

I was hoping you could help with the bounce-category-patterns and parsing. It seems to fail on this entry because there are no arguments that can be specified for the tag.

the error: Parsing failure: unexpected '<'; expected end of input (Line 278, Column 1); recently consumed: -file>

Obviously the line number will vary.

Grummle commented 11 years ago

Can you get me the file its choking on? not gonna be able to do much without it.

LandRush commented 11 years ago

This is the whole section that is causing issues. If I remove it, the parse works. I think it is choking on the entry without arguments. I tried creating code for an EmptyEntry, but I don;t think my syntax for Sparche is correct.

    /spam/ spam-related
    /junk mail/ spam-related
    /blacklist/ spam-related
    /blocked/ spam-related
    /permanently deferred/ spam-related
    /\bU\.?C\.?E\.?\b/ spam-related
    /\bAdv(ertisements?)?\b/ spam-related
    /unsolicited/ spam-related
    /\b(open)?RBL\b/ spam-related
    /realtime blackhole/ spam-related
    /http:\/\/\/blackholes.html/ spam-related
    /\bvirus\b/ virus-related
    /message +content/ content-related
    /content +rejected/ content-related
    /quota/ quota-issues
    /limit exceeded/ quota-issues
    /mailbox +(is +)?full/ quota-issues
    /\bstorage\b/ quota-issues
    /(user|mailbox|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee) (has|has been|is)? *(currently|temporarily +)?(disabled|expired|inactive|not activated)/ inactive-mailbox
    /(conta| inativ(a|o)/ inactive-mailbox
    /Too many (bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable) (user|mailbox|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee)/ other
    /(No such|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable) (local +)?(user|mailbox|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee)/ bad-mailbox
    /(user|mailbox|Email Address|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee) +(\S+@\S+ +)?(not (a +)?valid|not known|not here|not found|does not exist|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable)/ bad-mailbox
    /\S+@\S+ +(is +)?(not (a +)?valid|not known|not here|not found|does not exist|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable)/ bad-mailbox
    /no mailbox here by that name/ bad-mailbox
    /my badrcptto list/ bad-mailbox
    /not our customer/ bad-mailbox
    /nonexistent/ bad-mailbox
    /No such person/ bad-mailbox
    /illegal alias/ bad-mailbox
    /Mailaddress is administratively disabled/ bad-mailbox
    /doesn't handle mail for that user/ bad-mailbox
    /no valid/ bad-mailbox
    /no mailbox/ bad-mailbox
    /no longer (valid|available)/ bad-mailbox
    /have a \S+ account/ bad-mailbox
    /\brelay(ing)?/ relaying-issues
    /domain (retired|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable)/ bad-domain
    /domain no longer in use/ bad-domain
    /domain (\S+ +)?(is +)?obsolete/ bad-domain
    /denied/ policy-related
    /prohibit/ policy-related
    /rejected/ policy-related
    /refused/ policy-related
    /allowed/ policy-related
    /banned/ policy-related
    /policy/ policy-related
/suspicious activity/ policy-related
    /bad sequence/ protocol-errors
    /syntax error/ protocol-errors
    /\broute\b/ routing-errors
    /\bunroutable\b/ routing-errors
    /\bunrouteable\b/ routing-errors
    /^2.\d.\d/ success
    /^[45]\.1\.1/ bad-mailbox
    /^[45]\.1\.2/ bad-domain
    /^[45]\.3\.5/ bad-configuration
    /^[45]\.4\.1/ no-answer-from-host
    /^[45]\.4\.2/ bad-connection
    /^[45]\.4\.4/ routing-errors
    /^[45]\.4\.6/ routing-errors
    /^[45]\.4\.7/ message-expired
    /^[45]\.7\.1/ policy-related
    // other    # catch-all