GryphonRacingAI / gra

ROS + Docker code for University of Leeds Gryphon Racing AI team 2023-24
4 stars 4 forks source link



On Mac, you may need to run sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.docker to allow docker to run without sudo.

X11 auth

To enable X11 forwarding, run xhost +local:docker on host computer



Known issues

Autonomous System Launch Sequence (full-scale ADS-DV model, with absolute odometry, autocross mission)

1) roscore 2) roslaunch ackermann_vehicle_description ads_dv_sim.launch 3) roslaunch ultralytics_ros tracker_with_cloud.launch 4) roslaunch ultralytics_ros cone_mapper.launch 5) roslaunch fsai_mission autocross.launch

Do the following to disable GPU Acceleration: (refer to the wiki page)

1) Go to gra/.devcontainer/docker-compose.yml and comment the deploy section, then rebuild the Docker image in VScode 2) Go to gra/ros/cone_detection/launch/tracker_with_cloud.launch Comment line 17 and uncomment line 15 3) This step reduces Gazebo CPU usage by scaling the simulation time. The simulator will appear slower but CPU load will be reduced significantly.\ Go to gra/ros/ackermann_vehicle_gazebo/worlds/gazebo_world_building/\ Line 76: 700\ Reduce the value to reduce CPU load. 1000 is the default value where the simulation time unit = real time unit. When the value is 500, 1 simulation second = 2 real time second.\ Start with 700 and reduce gradually if the cone recognition process is unable to stablise. Unstable process can be observed by the cones swerving in Rviz when the car is steering.

Commonly used commands

Basic ROS