GuoliangLi-HZAU / BatMeth2

BS-seq analysis pipeline
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How to generate bed or bigWig files for the list of DMRs? #40

Open hanshanmengqi opened 1 year ago

hanshanmengqi commented 1 year ago

Dear developer,

Thank you for such easy-use and excellent tool!

As you mentioned in your article We also provide bed or bigWig files for the list of DMRs. The DMRs can be visualized in a genome browser (Fig. 4b) with the generated bed or bigWig files., but now I don't know how to generate them?

Could you please help me?

Best, Han

ZhouQiangwei commented 1 year ago

Dear Han,

Bed files for DMR can be generated using batDMR, while the methylation level BIGWIG can be generated using the script.

hope useful