HASEL-UZH / PersonalAnalytics

Personal Analytics project to increase knowledge workers' awareness about work and productivity.
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Investigate permission issues on macOS when uninstalling application #301

Open SRichner opened 8 months ago

SRichner commented 8 months ago

There seems to be an issue with the permissions (accessibility/screen recording) when removing the application on macOS before removing the permissions in System Settings.

  1. Install app
  2. Remove app
  3. Remove permissions in System Settings
  4. Install app again, permissions are already set, but onboarding doesn't properly detect it --> red it from macOS


And this electron/chrome issue might be related: https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/40314

SRichner commented 1 month ago

@casaout Permissions for a specific app can be reset using sudo tccutil reset All [app.bundle.id], however, there seems to be no way of doing so when uninstalling the app (on macOS).

casaout commented 1 month ago

@casaout Permissions for a specific app can be reset using sudo tccutil reset All [app.bundle.id], however, there seems to be no way of doing so when _un_installing the app (on macOS).

thank you! you mean that we cannot run the command since it's admin (sudo) or since we don't know when the app is uninstalled? (it's a bit funny to me that macOS wouldn't just delete those automatically...)