HASwitchPlate / openHASP-custom-component

Home Assistant custom component for openHASP
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image not always resizing on cast #75

Open nickrout opened 2 years ago

nickrout commented 2 years ago

Version of the custom_component



Nothing in yaml yet I am just testing image casting via thgis service call

service: openhasp.push_image
  image: http://hass.lan:8123{{state_attr('media_player.kitchen', 'entity_picture')}}
  obj: p3b1
  width: 320
  height: 320
  entity_id: openhasp.plate50

## Describe the bug
I am casting from my media player entity (it is a logitech media server using the HA squeezebox client). I have set up a 320x320 image on my wt32-sc01 device as a test.

Usually the pic is scaled to 320x320, but sometimes it is not, and appears quite a bit smaller.

## Debug log

<!-- To enable debug logs check this https://www.home-assistant.io/components/logger/ -->

[00:23:20.420][104036/106664  2][36544/36592  1] MQTT RCV: hasp/plate50/command/p3b1.src =
nickrout commented 2 years ago

Adding a bit of debug log after figuring out how

2021-10-17 17:48:11 DEBUG (SyncWorker_11) [custom_components.openhasp.image] image_to_rgb565 out_image: /tmp/tmprqj8cuy4
2021-10-17 17:48:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.openhasp] Push hasp/plate50/command/p3b1.src with
2021-10-17 17:48:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.openhasp.image] Get Image 573c838f57c7ad4548f2ea662a815962 form /tmp/tmprqj8cuy4

That was the right dimensions, this one was not

2021-10-17 17:55:53 DEBUG (SyncWorker_10) [custom_components.openhasp.image] image_to_rgb565 out_image: /tmp/tmpjdzlfwid
2021-10-17 17:55:53 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.openhasp] Push hasp/plate50/command/p3b1.src with
2021-10-17 17:55:53 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.openhasp.image] Get Image d5b1a9ec19d5dc2f03d3d2a82d01c246 form /tmp/tmpjdzlfwid
fvanroie commented 2 years ago

It seems images are only scaled down and not scaled up. So what is the resolution of the input image?

nickrout commented 2 years ago

The images are collected from all over the place as my music collection grows, but that will probably explain it. Thanks. I did look at the source, but didn't quite understand it.

htvekov commented 2 years ago

I'm also in the process of 'rewriting' my entire Sonos media player page to include images. Actually took me quite some time before I realized that upscaling was not in the scope for push image 😆 Could be really nice if this could be implemented though, as online images for TuneIn Radiostations in the Sonos app. are only some 144x144 (appx.). My fix for now is to upscale these static appx. 8-10 images and store locally in flash.

htvekov commented 2 years ago

Is is possible from within the HA side (config/automations) to tell an image actual size either before or after conversion ? Are the bcWidth / bcHeight words stored so they could become accesible ?

I'm having issues identifying all TuneIn's images, as some, but not all, of their URL's include an identifier. And what make's the job even harder is that the full pre-init URL presented from HA's Sonos integration is only present for a few seconds. So it's pretty difficult to pinpoint when exactly to zoom a dynamic TuneIn image to fit the 200 x 200 res. object size I've chosen.

The no. 1 solution would of course be that push_image could do upscaling as well 😉🙋‍♂️

fvanroie commented 2 years ago

The no. 1 solution would of course be that push_image could do upscaling as well 😉🙋‍♂️

I think commenting these lines can achieve that:

    width = min(w for w in [width, original_width] if w is not None and w > 0)
    height = min(h for h in [height, original_height] if h is not None and h > 0)
fvanroie commented 1 year ago

@dgomes Can we allow up-scaling as well or is there a particular reason this is now allowed?

dgomes commented 1 year ago

only reason is that upscaling usually makes the image loose much quality

fvanroie commented 1 year ago

I think that is the expected result when asking for a larger size of a small image... Otherwise there could be a flag to allow up-scaling, but I don't see a compelling reason not to upscale it by default.

htvekov commented 1 year ago

I think that is the expected result when asking for a larger size of a small image... Otherwise there could be a flag to allow up-scaling, but I don't see a compelling reason not to upscale it by default.

I agree. Even if user is not knowing the source image dimensions (quite common when doing something dynamic with media meta data), the desired end result is to have a fixed size image - No matter the quality.

Currently I'm using templates in order to decide whether or not to zoom an image or not in my media player config. Calculating the zoom size and image position manually to get image placed appx. at the same position as an unzoomed image within the parent object.

A tedious process, not dynamic at all and hardcoded into the templates. And I can only template 'known' repeated source images. Unknown source images from other family members Spotify accounts can result in the strangest images on the display.

fvanroie commented 1 year ago

Currently I'm using templates in order to decide whether or not to zoom an image or not in my media player config.

That works around the problem, but zoom adds the burden of scaling the image onto the ESP32. I think it is better to save these resources and let a PC do the scaling instead.

htvekov commented 1 year ago

Currently I'm using templates in order to decide whether or not to zoom an image or not in my media player config.

That works around the problem, but zoom adds the burden of scaling the image onto the ESP32. I think it is better to save these resources and let a PC do the scaling instead.

Yep. Using zoom on large images, is clearly straining the mcu. Like local openHASP png converting is It's, for obvious reasons, also notisable slow (especially using high zoom values) As I wrote it's possible to tweak images in templates to get a decent end result But it wil never be a dynamic solution, which upscaling on the PC side is.

It would be a great overall enhancement, if CC could upscale images as well. I for sure would love to see this 🙂

htvekov commented 1 year ago

Also much more needed now, as capable openHASP device screen resolution have increased quite a lot last six months. 'Standard' device sizes are now typical above 320x480, which will only increase users need to upscale various images.

fvanroie commented 1 year ago
    width = min(w for w in [width, original_width] if w is not None and w > 0)
    height = min(h for h in [height, original_height] if h is not None and h > 0)

Can you try commenting these two lines?

My Python skills aren't advanced, but I think those two lines are limiting the upscaling. I don't think there is a downside to commenting those... but @dgomes can confirm.

htvekov commented 1 year ago

I actually believe i tried that back then, but not really sure. I'll give it a spin 🙂

htvekov commented 1 year ago

Nope, no upscaling I'm afraid with these two lines commented out

service: openhasp.push_image
  image: http://192.xxx.x.xx:8123/local/transmission-tower.png
  obj: p2b40
  width: 320
  height: 320
  entity_id: openhasp.wt32_01_plus


htvekov commented 1 year ago

Commenting out these two lines only has effect on images that aren't square:



fvanroie commented 1 year ago

Also change the next line to:

    im.resize((height, width), Image.ANTIALIAS)

thumbnail will only allow images to downscale, never upscale. So you need to use resize instead. Downside to resize is that the aspect ratio is not maintained, so we need to add that in if required.

htvekov commented 1 year ago

Tested that one as well - still a no go. And now downsizing the image also fails. It'll just keep it's original size no matter what width and height parameters are set to

dgomes commented 1 year ago
    width = min(w for w in [width, original_width] if w is not None and w > 0)
    height = min(h for h in [height, original_height] if h is not None and h > 0)

replace min with max (but be careful not to send too large images)

htvekov commented 1 year ago

@fvanroie actually threw me this via Discord - and it's working 👍

I guess im = im.resize((height, width), Image.ANTIALIAS) could be it

Resizing with aspect ratios should still be dealt with though. I've no idea what the best solution is. I'll leave that part up to you guys 😉

htvekov commented 1 year ago
    width = min(w for w in [width, original_width] if w is not None and w > 0)
    height = min(h for h in [height, original_height] if h is not None and h > 0)

replace min with max (but be careful not to send too large images)

Just tested and using this neither up- nor downscaling is working.

original_width, original_height = im.size
    width, height = size

    #width = min(w for w in [width, original_width] if w is not None and w > 0)  # Original line
    #height = min(h for h in [height, original_height] if h is not None and h > 0)  # Original line

    width = max(w for w in [width, original_width] if w is not None and w > 0)
    height = max(h for h in [height, original_height] if h is not None and h > 0)

    #im.thumbnail((height, width), Image.ANTIALIAS) # original line
    im.resize((height, width), Image.ANTIALIAS) # not working
    # im = im.resize((height, width), Image.ANTIALIAS) ## @fvanroie ok
    width, height = im.size  # actual size after resize
dgomes commented 1 year ago

I updated the development branch with dc2d98b55432ba0b92f8200ec03130397eb29822

This adds a new a new optional argument "fit_screen" by which the image is resized to the "width" and "height" parameters regardless of the original file.

htvekov commented 1 year ago

Thank you @dgomes 🙂 Fetched 8d7acda and tested with below from HA dev:

service: openhasp.push_image
  image: http://192.xxx.x.xx:8123/local/Berit.png
  obj: p2b40
  fitscreen: 1
  width: 320
  height: 320
  entity_id: openhasp.wt32_01_plus

No upscaling done, only downscaling. As @fvanroie mentioned that thumbnail function didn't support upscaling I replaced

im.thumbnail((height, width), Image.ANTIALIAS) with im = im.resize((height, width), Image.ANTIALIAS)

Then it's working. Both supporting up- and downscaling.

fvanroie commented 1 year ago


htvekov commented 1 year ago

For some odd reason im.resize((height, width), Image.ANTIALIAS) is not working at all. But hey, I'm not a code guy 😉

htvekov commented 1 year ago

While we're at the image topic...

Would it be possible to enhance with a similar optional argument to the target in order to be able to specify use of group topic path or entity's unique topic path ? Not sure whether or not CC/HA will allow if entity_id is missing completely ?

I was thinking something like this:

config #01: If entity_id is mandatory as target in CC. Use mqtt Group Name from stated entity_id

service: openhasp.push_image
  obj: p2b40
  fitscreen: 1
  width: 320
  height: 320
  group_topic: 1
  entity_id: openhasp.wt32_01_plus

Or config #02: If entity_id is not mandatory as target in CC. State mqtt group topic path instead

service: openhasp.push_image
  obj: p2b40
  fitscreen: 1
  width: 320
  height: 320
  group_topic: hasp/plates
dgomes commented 1 year ago

That's a completely different issue, and none of the proposed configs can work (target is the domain of HA only, CC are restricted to data)

htvekov commented 1 year ago

Yep, sorry about that. Don't mix up issues 🤦‍♂️🙄 I've revised and added above to CC issue #84 where it actually belongs.

htvekov commented 1 year ago

Confirmed new fitscreen argument works as expected with commit b2ed186, thank you 🙂

Unless im.resize function needs to be further improved with additional checks to ensure image aspect ratio integrity, I guess issue could be closed.

I'm not really sure if that check is actually wanted ? If implemented, I guess an additional argument should be used for that.

dgomes commented 1 year ago

Thumbnail assures aspect ratio, resize does not...

The new option needs to be documented and eventually get a new name 😓

htvekov commented 1 year ago

I don't know if a starting point could be just check the aspect ratio (AR = W / H) and if that is higher or equal to 1 then calculate height in reference to the width change ratio, If AR is less than one, then calculate width from height change ratio instead.

Example - height calc from width change ratio: Original image size (h x w): 145 x 345 Resize to (h1 x w1): 480 x 480 If both h < h1 and w<w1 then calculate Aspect ratio change: 480 / 345 = 1,3913 w1 = 480 h1 = 145 x 1,3913 = 202

I don't know if it's really that simple or there are other 'traps' ?

dgomes commented 1 year ago

can be done but the point was to leave it up to the user to decide :)

BTW: The legacy option (without fitscreen) assures correct aspect ratio

htvekov commented 1 year ago

can be done but the point was to leave it up to the user to decide :)

BTW: The legacy option (without fitscreen) assures correct aspect ratio

Yep. I'm quite happy with current plain upscaling functionality. That saves me some tedious zoom templates 🙂👍 And legacy option maintaining thumbnail function ensures 'old' previous behaviour.