Describe the bug
In the original Rissman (2004) paper, the fisher's z -transformed correlation coefficients were divided by their "known" standard deviation.
The transformed correlation coefficients were then
divided by their known standard deviation (1 / sqrt(N-3) , where N is
the number of data points used to compute the correlation
coefficient) to yield z scores.
To Reproduce
Use NiBetaSeries to create correlations
Expected behavior
The correlations should be normalized
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Describe the bug In the original Rissman (2004) paper, the fisher's z -transformed correlation coefficients were divided by their "known" standard deviation.
To Reproduce Use NiBetaSeries to create correlations
Expected behavior The correlations should be normalized
Desktop (please complete the following information): N/A
nibetaseries version v0.4.3
Additional context N/A