HBClab / NiBetaSeries

Nipype implementation of BetaSeries Correlations (Beta)
MIT License
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Nibs and regressor clarification question #341

Open LilianYou opened 3 years ago

LilianYou commented 3 years ago


This is a clarification question. In the tutorial code, what exactly does "nibs -c WhiteMatter CSF \" do? Is it filtering out csf and white matter columns from my fmriprep regressor file? In the raw regressor file I received from fmriprep, the first 4 columns all start with csf: "csf", "csf_derivative1", "csf_derivative1_power2", "csf_power2", and the next 4 columns all start with whitematter: "white_matter", "white_matter_derivative1", "white_matter_power2", "white_matter_derivative1_power2". Does the command have anything to do with those columns?

I have an additional question. fMRIprep output has an Html file that includes a method section that described the entire data preprocessing steps and I can just copy-paste it into my paper. Is there a similar method description paragraph I could refer to for using the nibetaseries package?

Thanks, Lily