HBRS-SDP / ss22-factor-graph-slam

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Implementation of SLAM in GTSAM, using data collected from youbot #15

Open TharunSethuraman opened 2 years ago

RavisankarSelvaraju commented 2 years ago

Implemented the PlanarSLAM example of GTSAM for the data collected from youbot.

deebuls commented 2 years ago

@RavisankarSelvaraju @TharunSethuraman Before SLAM do other simple things. Go as per the first tutorial https://gtsam.org/tutorials/intro.html

  1. Modeling Robot Motion
  2. Robot Localization
  3. Poseslam

Do with the dataset colected 1 by 1 and draw the same diagrams.

RavisankarSelvaraju commented 2 years ago


This is a sample .csv file for data collected extracted from the bag file gtsam/data_collection/Extracted_data_from_bag_files/sdp_data_collection_look_one_3_marker.csv

Is the extracted data in the correct format?

deebuls commented 2 years ago

I checked the file we need more information. As per the new information . We can use the /odom frame as input and convert that to dx, dy, d_rotation .

so in addition to the input provided in velocity also record the /odom .

For ground truth we need the x, y and rotation in the map frame using the \tf

I maybe wrong, but this is the information I have now . Again all depends on how you get the code working . What it requires .