HCL-TECH-SOFTWARE / domino-backup

Configuration files for HCL Domino Backup integration with other backup solutions.
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Notes Database cannot be found in Backup #24

Open felix-stvmz opened 3 days ago

felix-stvmz commented 3 days ago

Hello there, I'm currently encountering an issue where dominobackup can't copy the databasefile from the mounted veeam backup to the configured path on the server. And I don't understand why this is the case. The field "Source" in the relevant part of the logsection is empty but there is no obvious way to fill it in the restore job created in the Domino Backup application. Or is it normal that this field is empty?

load restore -v -V 24.09.2024 09:55:13 Remote console command issued by Felix ZZ-Hart/KDZ/Mainz: load restore -v -V Restore-Log: CONFIG [RestoreDatabase] -> [dominobackup.nsf] Restore-Log: Opening [dominobackup.nsf] Restore-Log: Lookup Config: [SERVER:CN=d2-l-ibmweb-01/OU=Server/O=Mainz] --> 0x902 Restore-Log: Config: [Server] : [0x902] Restore-Log: Found Server Config Note: [0x902] for key [CN=d2-l-ibmweb-01/OU=Server/O=Mainz] Restore-Log: CONFIG [NodeName] -> [d2-l-ibmweb-01] Restore-Log: CONFIG [ScriptDir] -> [/opt/hcl/domino/backup/veeam ] Restore-Log: CONFIG [BackupLogDir] -> [/local/Dominobackup/Log] Restore-Log: CONFIG [LogCommandOutputOptions] -> [E] Restore-Log: Command: [RestorePreCommand] Type: 0, IsFormula: 0 -> [] Restore-Log: Command: [RestorePostCommand] Type: 2, IsFormula: 0 -> [/opt/hcl/domino/backup/veeam/restore_post.sh] Restore-Log: Command: [RestoreDbCommand] Type: 2, IsFormula: 0 -> [/opt/hcl/domino/backup/veeam/restore_db.sh] Restore-Log: Command: [RestoreFileCommand] Type: 0, IsFormula: 0 -> [] Restore-Log: Command: [RestoreSnapshotCommand] Type: 2, IsFormula: 0 -> [/opt/hcl/domino/backup/veeam/restore_db.sh] Restore-Log: Command: [RestoreTranslogCommand] Type: 0, IsFormula: 0 -> [] Restore-Log: Command: [RestoreDaosCommand] Type: 0, IsFormula: 0 -> [] Restore-Log: CONFIG [BackupTargetDirDb] -> [/local/Dominobackup ] Restore-Log: CONFIG [BackupTargetDirTranslog] -> [/local/Dominobackup/Translog ] Restore-Log: DEFAULT [BackupTargetDirDaos] -> [] Restore-Log: DEFAULT [RestoreOkString] -> [] Restore-Log: DEFAULT [RestoreErrString] -> [] Restore-Log: DEFAULT [ThirdPartyRestoreDateFormula] -> [] Restore-Log: Running on: 1 restore documents Restore-Log: Running on Note [0x12EA] [dominobackup.nsf] Restore-Log: Running on Restore Note [0x12EA] Restore-Debug: IF:FileDelete [/local/notesdata/restored/dominoblog.ntf.DELTA]: Err: 0x103 Restore-Debug: IF:FileCreate[/local/notesdata/IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT/restore_error_d2-l-ibmweb-01_2024_09_24@09_55_13.log]: Err: 0x0 Restore-Debug: Running [RESTORE] CMD: [/opt/hcl/domino/backup/veeam/restore_db.sh "/local/notesdata/dominoblog.ntf" "dominoblog.ntf" "F327F936917596ABC1258AB60055F5C3" "d2-l-ibmweb-01" "" "SNAP" "20240924073100" "/local/Dominobackup " "/local/notesdata/ Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [[2024-09-24 09:55:13] --- RESTORE DB --- Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [PhysicalFileName : /local/notesdata/dominoblog.ntf Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [FileName : dominoblog.ntf Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [BackupReference : F327F936917596ABC1258AB60055F5C3 Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [BackupNode : d2-l-ibmweb-01 Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [BackupName : Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [BackupMode : SNAP Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [BackupStartDT : 20240924073100 Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [BackupTargetDir : /local/Dominobackup Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [RestoreFileName : /local/notesdata/restored/dominoblog.ntf Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [FileExtension : ntf Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Appending missing .DAD extension Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Mouting snaphot 24.09.2024 09:55:13 Restore: Translog Mode: CIRCULAR 24.09.2024 09:55:13 Restore: Domino Database Restore 24.09.2024 09:55:13 Restore: Started 24.09.2024 09:55:13 Restore: Restoring to [restored/dominoblog.ntf] [/local/notesdata/restored/dominoblog.ntf] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [ Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Domino Backup for Veeam Restore Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Command : [mount] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Date : [20240924073100] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Connect : [] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [VM Host : [d2-l-ibmweb-01] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [RestoreOS : [Linux] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Account : [veeam-mount] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [MountFUSE : [True] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [ClockSkewMin : [5] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [ Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Backup Time String : 20240924073100 Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Backup Time (local time) : 09/24/2024 09:31:00 Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Backup Time (UTC) : 09/24/2024 07:31:00 Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Backup Search Time UTC : 09/24/2024 07:26:00 Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [RestoreVmHost : d2-l-ibmweb-01 Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Credentials used: : veeam-mount Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [ Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Backup search: 1,1 seconds ) Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [ Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [24.09.2024 09:56:17 Mounting backup restore point: 35e133a2-ef65-4fe8-b298-827aa5f14871 Backup Time Local: 24.09.2024 09:31:57 Backup Time UTC: 24.09.2024 07:31:57 24.09.2024 09:55:21 5 Transactions/Minute, 5 Notes Users Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [24.09.2024 09:56:30 Mount operation finished ( 13,0 seconds ) Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [ Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Backup Job Name : d2-l-ibmweb-01 Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Restore Point : 2024-09-24T09:31:57.0000000+02:00 Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [VM Name : d2-l-ibmweb-01 Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [ Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Mounted Disk : /tmp/Veeam.Mount.Disks.3f46364a-b44c-4956-8ec1-61537e46c8f4/{30c4ad9d-3a5a-4209-8641-81cf2c12816f}_0 /tmp/Veeam.Mount.Disks.3f46364a-b44c-4956-8ec1-61537e46c8f4/{622b7dcf-c97c-427e-998f-f5377ece7934}_0 /tmp/Veea Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Mounted At : /tmp/Veeam.Mount.FS.3f46364a-b44c-4956-8ec1-61537e46c8f4/8cd21829-e170-4899-bc10-c5ecdb62677e_0_btrfs/boot/efi /tmp/Veeam.Mount.FS.3f46364a-b44c-4956-8ec1-61537e46c8f4/8cd21829-e170-4899-bc10-c5ecdb62677e_0_btrf Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Mounted As : Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Available From : (Port: ) Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Available Via :
Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [ Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [OK: Mount operations successfully completed Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [ Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [0 Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [ Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [DOMBACK_TAG_FILE : [dominobackup_20240924073100.tag] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [FOUND_FILE_PATH : [] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [FOUND_NOTESDATA : [/tmp/Veeam.Mount.FS.8ec46805-7ac7-4def-b2fe-0cafa8c8dcc9/{12ccab92-9cc3-441d-b63b-02db62014c95}_0/notesdata] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [SOURCE : [] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [TARGET : [/local/notesdata/restored/dominoblog.ntf.DAD] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [ Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [[2024-09-24 09:55:31] Restore operation completed Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [ Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Return: ERROR - Cannot copy file Restore-Debug: Finished [RESTORE] Restore-Debug: Running [RESTORE] CMD: [/opt/hcl/domino/backup/veeam/restore_post.sh "" "" "" "d2-l-ibmweb-01" "" "" "20240924073100" "" "" ""] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Unmounting snaphots Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [ Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Domino Backup for Veeam Restore Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Command : [unmount] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Date : [] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Connect : [] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [VM Host : [d2-l-ibmweb-01] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [RestoreOS : [Linux] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Account : [veeam-mount] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [MountFUSE : [True] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [ClockSkewMin : [5] Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [ Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [24.09.2024 09:56:33 Unmounting 1 backup(s) ... Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [24.09.2024 09:56:42 Unmount operation fishined ( 9,2 seconds ) Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [OK: Backup(s) unmounted Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [0 Restore-Debug: CMD-RET: [Return: PROCESSED () Restore-Debug: Finished [RESTORE] Restore-Debug: IF:FileOpen [/local/notesdata/restored/dominoblog.ntf.DELTA]: Err: 0x103 Restore-Log: No Delta file present - Skipping [/local/notesdata/restored/dominoblog.ntf.DAD] Restore-Log: ChangeDatabase: [/local/notesdata/restored/dominoblog.ntf.DAD] [dominoblog.ntf] Restore-Debug: DomBackupLogFile::Close: Bytes written: 0 Restore-Debug: IF:FileExistCheck [/local/notesdata/IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT/restore_error_d2-l-ibmweb-01_2024_09_24@09_55_13.log]: 0x0 IsDir: 0 Restore-Debug: IF:FileDelete [/local/notesdata/IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT/restore_error_d2-l-ibmweb-01_2024_09_24@09_55_13.log]: Err: 0x0 Restore-Debug: Attaching Log File [] Bytes: 0 Restore-Log: Running on: 0 restore documents 24.09.2024 09:55:44 Restore: Restoring Database [/local/notesdata/restored/dominoblog.ntf.DAD] 24.09.2024 09:55:44 Restore: Cannot start empty apply log info for database [/local/notesdata/restored/dominoblog.ntf.DAD] : File does not exist 24.09.2024 09:55:44 Restore: Error opening Database [/local/notesdata/restored/dominoblog.ntf.DAD] : File does not exist 24.09.2024 09:55:44 Restore: Error restoring database [dominoblog.ntf] -> [restored/dominoblog.ntf] : File does not exist 24.09.2024 09:55:44 Restore: Finished

Thank you for your help! Regards, Felix

Daniel-Nashed commented 3 days ago

it's difficult to say what is happening here. can you check first that the right snapshot is mounted. then look into the backup by mounting it to see if the delta files are present.

felix-stvmz commented 3 days ago

The right snapshot is mounted but there are no delta files despite the configuration that there should be a directory for delta files.

Daniel-Nashed commented 3 days ago

Oh wait. This is Linux which stores the Delta files locally and the files need to be backed up to a different place. This can be any type of file storage or local on the same server backed up with another Veeam job. The backup and restore script are designed to match. And the location for backup and restore is the same.

It's mentioned here but could be more obvious documented.

The snapshot data is on Veeam. But the delta files must be stored in a different way. The easiest way is local on a different disk or same disk backed up with a different job. The files are small and can remain on disk. they are managed by Domino Backup prune operations.

felix-stvmz commented 21 hours ago

Thank you for your quick answer. I will take a closer look into that in a week after my vacation.