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1.5.1c - Rebellion messages do not replay when reloading #141

Open floralpond opened 1 year ago

floralpond commented 1 year ago


When there is a turn where a rebellion has occurred, you will get the rebellion message the first time you enter that turn. But if you save the game during that turn and load it up again, you will not see the message. So if you stop a turn in the middle and come back later, you might not remember about a rebellion occurring that you need to counter.

Expected behavior: When reloading a save file, all of the messages should be able to replay via the "read messages" button.

Actual behavior:

Rebellion messages do not replay when clicking the read messages button.

Game version:


Steps to reproduce:

load "missing_rebellion_messages.sav". There was a rebellion on this turn, but when you click to read messages, you won't see the rebellion message.

If you want, you can try reloading Log_Save_4970.sav, and there is a chance of rebellion, but doesn't happen all the time.

Additional information:


Matt-Caspermeyer commented 1 year ago

So there is a bit of an issue here in that the way Rebellion works, is that it generates a lot of new units to show the rebellion process. All this is done outside of the messaging system.

I don't think we should duplicate showing this, but maybe we also add a message to the message queue similar to Symbiot captured messages? The problem is that it will show both the above and then have an additional message about Rebellion on a certain planet.


floralpond commented 1 year ago

I think I see what you are saying about how it generates new units to show the rebellion process initially, but that process is outside of the messaging system. Is this the screen where it might show your normal stack of units, then a bunch of peasant units with a red fist on them?

If yes, so then adding a generic message about rebellion in the actual message system would sort of appear as a duplicate message to the first one with the pictures of the units, so that's a concern. I'm not really sure how much value the first one that shows the units really gives to the player, because it doesn't show the actual units that are spawned anyway they are peasants (at least in the case of certain types of rebellions). You still have to go to the planet to see what the new rebel units are, so to me if we just didn't have that non-message prompt with the rebelling units I wouldn't feel like we lost anything. I suppose if the rebellion was that some unit's loyalty got low, and that particular unit rebelled, you'd lose that specific unit, but you've still got the rebellion type where it just shows peasants and spawns new rebel units which just isn't super useful information anyway.

That being said I don't really have a strong feeling about this issue anyway. Initially it looked like just inconsistent messaging, but actually the rebel "message" isn't a message, so if this doesn't get changed in any way I won't feel bad.

floralpond commented 10 months ago

I don't think this was implemented in 1.51 so I'm setting to 1.6.