HDest-Community / Ugly-as-Sin

Enhancement modules for Hideous Destructor
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Medical: Use player blood colour for wounds/blood droplets #231

Closed dastrukar closed 10 months ago

dastrukar commented 10 months ago

Makes wounds and blood droplets use the player's blood colour for its coloring. Additionally, I updated the bandage's wound icons to be the same as the visual wounds. (they also use the player's blood colour)

Technical changes

In order to get the visual wound particles to properly tint to the player's blood colour, I had to create the following textures UASBLUDA0, UASBLUDB0, UASBLUDC0. They are basically the same as the normal BLUD textures, just desaturated to be greyscale for the tinting to work properly. The wound rendering also now uses STYLE_Shaded instead of STYLE_Normal, as the latter rendering style doesn't seem to tint that well. Unfortunately, STYLE_Shaded seems to apply a lot of transparency to the texture, so the alpha is multiplied by 2 to make it more visible. (unless there's no texture being used) As for the bandage's wound icons, it now uses different BLUD textures depending on the size of the wound (like visual wounds), and now uses the player's BloodTranslation. (if only particles took translations as an argument :'])

Preview: image (yellow blood with HDTestSkin)