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Add CITATION.cff advice #148

Closed graeme-a-stewart closed 10 months ago

graeme-a-stewart commented 10 months ago

Add a recommendation to use the CITATION.cff format for advertising how to cite software - it's the standard way to do it these days!

eduardo-rodrigues commented 10 months ago

Hello @graeme-a-stewart, @hegner, I'm coming late to the party but since you mentioned earlier today at the coords meeting that you would welcome feedback - recently the developer guide in the Scikit-HEP website was moved "up" to Scientific Python; it is now far more visible and useful to a broader community. You can see the end result at https://learn.scientific-python.org/development/. Maybe that's something useful to add to here even if many things are specific for Python? You will know best where, if, to include such information.

BTW, one brilliant tools is the "repository review" https://learn.scientific-python.org/development/guides/repo-review/. Just paste a repo URL and see it running even on the browser :-).