Evaluate the performance of hyper network connectivity across clouds.
There are no performance targets yet, and this task will generate a baseline for future improvements.
Compare performance of communication between 2 Hyper VMs in same subnet and on different subnets, located on different clouds, as follows:
Uplink/Downlink bandwidth (baseline)
HVM@HWS to HVM@vCloud
Same Subnet
Different Subnets
HVMs are deployed using the Agent + Container based on OpenStack Liberty DVR and LXC.
BGW is deployed using the L2GW and VTEM Emulator, based on OVS.
Baseline performance checks bandwidth on uplink and downlink between the two clouds, and is the same for both scenarios.
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Evaluate the performance of hyper network connectivity across clouds. There are no performance targets yet, and this task will generate a baseline for future improvements.
Compare performance of communication between 2 Hyper VMs in same subnet and on different subnets, located on different clouds, as follows: