Hackebein / docker-srcds

Dockerfiles for all Source Dedicated Servers
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What is Source Dedicated Server?

Valve call this Server Source SDK Base 2013 Dedicated Server. This Server builds the base for all source engine based games with dedicated server support.

Quick Start


docker run -it \
    --expose 27015 \

Enable API

docker run -it \
    --expose 27015 \
    -e "AUTHKEY=..." \

Get your AUTHKEY


If you have activated the API, this step happens automatically.

docker run -it \
    --expose 27015 \
    -e "GLST=..." \

Get your GLST (APPID: 244310)


Signals are catched and call a script before and after send the signal to the server executable.

docker run -it \
    --expose 27015 \
    -e "SIGNALS_ENABLE=true"
    -v ./SIGINT_before.sh:/opt/steam/SIGINT_before.sh \
    -v ./SIGTERM_after.sh:/opt/steam/SIGTERM_after.sh \

Overlay folder

Copy files over before start server

docker run -it \
    --expose 27015 \
    -v ./overlay:/opt/overlay \

SourceMod Plugins

docker run -it \
    --expose 27015 \
    -e "METAMOD=latest" \
    -e "SOURCEMOD=latest" \
    -e "AUTOUPDATE=true" \
    -e "SOURCEMOD_PLUGINS_INSTALL=https://example.com/myplugin1.zip,/opt/misc/myplugin2.smx" \
    -e "SOURCEMOD_PLUGINS_ENABLE=admin-flatfile,adminhelp,adminmenu,antiflood,basebans,basechat,basecomm,basecommands,basetriggers,basevotes,clientprefs,funcommands,funvotes,myplugin1,myplugin2,nextmap,playercommands,reservedslots,sounds" \
    -v ./myplugin2.smx:/opt/misc/myplugin2.smx \
    -v ./overlay:/opt/overlay \

Additional Environment

UID: run at User ID (Default: 0) Format: <uid>

LOGIN: Login information (Default: anonymous) Format: <username> <password>

PORT: Connection Port (Default: 27015)

CLIENTPORT: (Default: 27005)

TVPORT: (Default: 27020)

SPORT: (Default: 26900)

GLSTMEMO: automatic GLST registration memo (Default: <container-hostname>)

SIGNALS_ENABLE: enable process signal handling (Default: false)

APPS: AppIDs (required) (Default: 244310 -validate -language en) Format: <app_id> [-validate] [-language en] [-beta <betaname>[ -betapassword <password>]][,...]

GAME: game to start (required) (Default:)

METAMOD: version of MetaMod to install Examples: latest, 1.11, 1.10.7, (Default:)

SOURCEMOD: version of SourceMod to install (requires MetaMod) Examples: latest, 1.11, 1.10.0, (Default:)

SOURCEMOD_PLUGINS_INSTALL: plugins to install from local path or URL (Default:)

SOURCEMOD_PLUGINS_ENABLE: plugins to enable (Default: admin-flatfile,adminhelp,adminmenu,antiflood,basebans,basechat,basecomm,basecommands,basetriggers,basevotes,clientprefs,funcommands,funvotes,nextmap,playercommands,reservedslots,sounds)

STEAMWORKS: version of SteamWorks to install (requires SourceMod) (Default: latest)

AUTOUPDATE: enables autorestart/autoupdate (requires SourceMod) (Default: false)

WORKSHOPDL: downloads workshop collection for client before joining (garrysmod only) (Default:)

CUSTOMPARAMETERS: additional parameters (Default:)

More Options

You can found more configuration options on the parent image page hackebein/steamcmd