Hacker0x01 / react-datepicker

A simple and reusable datepicker component for React
MIT License
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Support for onDayMouseLeave #5213

Open Eiriksm0raas opened 2 weeks ago

Eiriksm0raas commented 2 weeks ago

I am using the datepicker to select a date from which our UI will show x days from that day and back in time. For this we want the datepicker to preview this period when you hover a date. I see there is a onDayMouseEnter prop, but I see no coresponding prop for when the mouse leaves a day.

Is there any other way of implementing my feature with the current api? If not, a simple fix would be to create a onDayMouseLeave prop using the native onMouseLeave prop. I can contribute this feature myself if this is something which should be added.